CS1 - 1011 - May


Monday - Tuesday (5/23/11 - 5/31/11)


  • Be sure you've turned in your 4th Quarter Project Proposal


  • Work on your 4th Quarter Project
  • Your project proposal will be your grading criteria
  • Deadline: Thursday-Friday (6/9-10/11)

Wednesday - Friday (5/18/11 - 5/20/11)


  • Complete CodingBat: Warmup-1:makes10
  • Complete CodingBat: Warmup-1:near_hundred


  • 4th Quarter Project Proposal
    • Length: 3/4 to a full page
    • Name, Date, Period
    • If you work with a partner, put both names at the top. At the end of the quarter, each partner will indicate in a closed-survey, the percentage of work that each person did
    • Objective: Brief description (2-3 sentences) describing what your game will be like
    • Requirements & Features: ~10 specific detailed requirements that your game will have, and *how* you will do them
      • e.g. Player sprite that moves up, down, left, right using the arrow keys. Check if specific key is pressed, and then move the Player accordingly
      • e.g. A bunch of items to be picked up on the screen. Use a list to keep track of all the items
    • How to win: Describe the specific objective to win the game. You must describe the steps that your program will take to check when/if you win
      • e.g. Use a variable to keep count of how many coins you pick up. Check if all the coins have been collected on the screen.
    • How to lose: Describe the specific ways to lose the game. You must describe the steps that your program will take to check when/if you lose
      • e.g. Check if the Player ever collides with an explosive mine object
    • Your project must use the following concepts: variables, strings, functions, if statements, loops, and lists
  • Print out your proposal and turn it in.
  • Begin working on your 4th Quarter Project

Friday - Tuesday (5/13/11 - 5/17/11)

Warmup 1:

  • Complete CodingBat: Warmup-1:parrot_trouble

Warmup 2:


  • Demo to Mr. Bui your Robot game that uses lists
  • You should also demo at least two advanced features (e.g. teleport, warps, difficulty levels)
  • Begin designing your 4th quarter project
    • Dodge game
    • Target game
    • Flying game
    • Racing game
    • etc.

Wednesday - Thursday (5/11/11 - 5/12/11)


  • Complete CodingBat: Warmup-1:sum_double


  • Complete CodingBat: Warmup-1:makes10
  • Demo to Mr. Bui your Robot game that uses lists
  • You should also demo at least two advanced features (e.g. teleport, warps, difficulty levels)

Monday - Tuesday (5/9/11 - 5/10/11)


  • Go to the CodingBat - Python webpage
  • Sign up for an account using your e-mail address
  • Go to prefs -> Teacher Share and use my e-mail address: BuiEmail.bmp
    • Also make sure you have put in your Last name, First name
  • Complete Warmup-1:sleep_in


  • Introduction to CodingBat
    • Future warmups, assignments, and possible exam questions
    • Extra credit opportunity?
    • Complete Warmup-1:monkey_trouble
  • Item collection w/ list walk-through
  • Convert your Robot game to use lists
    • Once completed, you should add at least two advanced features (e.g. teleport, warps, difficulty levels)

Wednesday - Friday (5/4/11 - 5/6/11)


Monday - Tuesday (5/2/11 - 5/3/11)
