VB - 0809 - February


Wednesday - Friday (2/25/09 - 2/27/09)

  • Rise of the Video Game: Part 3
  • Complete missing assignments

Thursday - Monday (2/19/09 - 2/23/09)

  • Array Practice - Media: ArrayDisappear.frm
    • Create a new form
    • Place 5 images on the form
    • Give each image on the form a unique index starting at 0
    • Add a button
    • When the button is hit, use a while loop to make all the images invisible
  • Makin' it rain
    • Add an array of pictures of raindrops to the screen
    • In the Form_Load, use a loop to randomly place all of the rain drops
    • Add a button to the screen
    • Add a timer to the screen, and make sure that it is NOT enabled
    • When the button is hit, enable the timer
    • Inside the timer, use a loop to loop through your array of rain drops and move all the rain drops down the screen 10 pixels
    • Inside the loop, if the rain drop is past the bottom of the screen, then place it back at the top of the screen
  • Item Collection
    • Review the Item collection game
    • Recreate the Item collection game using arrays of items and a timer
    • You should only have one if statement in a loop that cycles through all the items and checks for collision

Tuesday (2/17/09)

Tuesday - Friday (2/10/09 - 2/13/09)

Monday - Friday (2/2/09 - 2/6/09)

  • Demo Whack-a-Mole Game to Mr. Bui
  • Reading and writing to files
  • Using the file I/O demo as an example, add a high score saving feature in your game. A high score should be read from a file at the beginning of the game. When the game is over, if the new score is greater than the old high score, then output the new high score to file.
