IB Computer Science I

Revision as of 11:01, 14 January 2010 by Admin (talk | contribs)

Thursday (1/14/10)



  • Complete Pong

Tuesday - Wednesday (1/12/10 - 1/13/10)

  • 2nd Quarter Exam

Thursday - Monday (1/7/10 - 1/11/10)

Monday - Wednesday (1/4/10 - 1/6/10)


  • In three words, summarize your winter break


  • 2nd Quarter Exam will be next Tuesday (1/12/10)
  • If-statement review
    1. Prompt the user to enter a username and store it in a variable named username
    2. Prompt the user to enter a password and store it in a variable named password
    3. Using an if-statement, check if the username equals "admin" and the password equals a password of your choosing
    4. If the login is successful, then print that the "You have successfully logged in"
    5. If the login fails, then print "Authentication failure!"
  • While statement
    1. Practice: Write a loop that prints out 1 through 5
    2. Write a while loop that runs exactly 5 times, each time the loop runs, print out "Login Trial #N" where N is the loop counter
    3. Take the if-statement code and put it inside the loop
    4. If the user successfully logs in, then also break out of the loop using the break keyword
  • strings
  • Case Study: Catch review
  • Using your own images
  • Using your own sounds
  • Complete your Pong program

Friday - Monday (12/11/09 - 12/14/09)

  • Case Study: Catch

Tuesday - Thursday (12/8/09 - 12/10/09)



Monday - Friday (11/30/09 - 12/4/09)


  • Assume you have the following code:
s = ""
x = 0
while x < 5:
  s = s + "a"
  x = x + 1
print s
  • What is printed out after the code executes? (DO NOT USE A COMPUTER)


Monday (11/23/09)


  • Breakfast
  • Take out a sheet of paper and draw a coordinate plane with x and y axes.
  • The x-axis should go from 0 to 640
  • The y-axis should go from 0 to 480
  • Draw the turkey on the board or something like it
  • Estimate the major points (x,y) for the turkey


Monday - Friday (11/16/09 - 11/20/09)

Monday - Friday (11/9/09 - 11/13/09)

Monday - Friday (11/2/09 - 11/6/09)


  • Write a loop that prints out the first 100 even numbers


  • Demo HTTLACS: Ch 5 exercises
  • Introduction to Iteration
    • Complete HTTLACS: Ch 6 exercises #1-6 - DO NOT submit to SchoolWebLockers
  • Practice Exercise #1
    • Prompt the user two choices: odd or even
      • Example: Would you like odd/even?
    • Prompt the user for a number and store it in a variable n
    • If the user chooses odd, then print out the first n odd numbers (starting at 1) using a loop
    • If the user chooses even, then print out the first n even numbers (starting at 0) using a loop
  • Practice Exercise #2
    • Print out all the numbers that are divisible by 6 from 0 through 100
  • Guessing Game Assignment

Tuesday - Friday (10/27/09 - 10/30/09)

  • Complete the HTTLACS: Ch 4 GASP exercise and demo to Mr. Bui
  • Work through HTTLACS: Ch 5 and by work through, Mr. Bui means that you should try out all the code.
  • Complete the HTTLACS: Ch 5 exercises

Monday (10/26/09)

  • 1st Quarter Exam

Friday (10/23/09)

Monday - Thursday (10/19/09 - 10/22/09)


  • What does the following code print?
x = 9
y = 10
z = 4

if x < y:
  if z < 0:
    print "Washington"
    print "Lee"
  print "Generals"


Thursday (10/15/09)


  • What do the following conditions evaluate to?
True or False
False and False
True and False
not(True or False)
True or True
False and True
False or True
not(False) and True
not(True) or False
not(True) or True


Tuesday - Wednesday (10/13/09 - 10/14/09)

Thursday - Friday (10/7/09 - 10/8/09)


  • Create a python script that prompts the user for three integer variables: month, day, and year
  • Print your birthday using the variables
  • Your birthday should use the following format: M/D/Y


Monday - Tuesday (10/5/09 - 10/6/09)

Thursday (10/1/09)
