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Revision as of 11:11, 11 January 2018

Tuesday - Thursday (11/28/17 - 11/30/17)


Thursday (11/23/17)

  • Thanksgiving Break

Tuesday (11/21/17)


  • Introduction to While Loops
  • While Loop practice (using Wing IDE)
    • Write a loop that prints 0 to 10
    • Write a loop that prints 10 to 0
    • Write a loop that prints from 19 to 77
    • Write a loop that prints the first 50 even numbers
    • Prompt a user for a number N. Write a loop that then prints out the first N even numbers (Hint: Use multiple variables)
  • Work on Prime numbers assignment (using Wing IDE)
  • Demo Mario Side Scroller
  • Jump walk-through

Wednesday - Friday (11/15/17 - 11/17/17)


  • Make sure you have completed all assignments thus far
    • Bouncing Image Lab
    • Mario Side Scroller
  • Work on implementing the extra challenges in the Mario Side Scroller (see below)

Wednesday - Monday (11/8/17 - 11/13/17)


  • Demo missing assignments
  • Demo completed Bouncing Image Lab
  • Mario Side-scroller
    1. Create a Processing program named MarioSideScroller
    2. Download the Media:Mario-1-1.gif and add the file to your Processing program (or any wide, panoramic image of your choice)
    3. Download the small Mario image Media:MarioSprite_right.png and add the file to your Processing program (or any character sprite of your choice)
    4. Create and initialize global variables:
      • bg_x, bg_y (background x and y-coordinates)
      • sprite_x, sprite_y (sprite x and y-coordinates)
      • Note: "sprite" is a movable computer graphic
    5. Set your window size to 600 x 448 (the image has a height of 448 pixels)
    6. Load and display the background image using the image() function (use the variables!)
      • Verify that you are display background image properly (you should only be seeing a portion of the level)
    7. Load and display the sprite image (use the variables!)
    8. Add keyboard detecting code:
      1. if the RIGHT key is pressed, then move the sprite to the right by manipulating the sprite_x
      2. if the LEFT key is pressed, then move the sprite to the left by manipulating the sprite_x
    9. if the sprite touches the right edge of the screen (or wherever you want)
      1. Manipulate the bg_x so that background image moves to the left
      2. You must also manipulate the sprite_x so that it does not keep moving beyond that point
    10. if the sprite touches the left edge of the screen (or wherever you want)
      1. Manipulate the bg_x so that background image moves to the right
      2. You must also manipulate the sprite_x so that it does not keep moving beyond that point
    11. Additional challenges:
      1. Use an image editing program to create a flipped mirror Mario image (or simply find one). Load the image such that when Mario goes left, you use the flipped image instead of the right-facing image
      2. Implement a jump feature (hint: you can use the Gravity Launcher program to help you)

Wednesday - Friday (11/1/17 - 11/3/17)


  • Demo Input: Keyboard Variables
  • Demo Media: Loading & Displaying Images
  • Bouncing Image Lab
    1. You will be creating a new Processing sketch that combines multiple labs. You will create a bouncing Image (of your choice) on the screen that responds to keyboard clicks
    2. Display a background image (of your choice)
    3. Display a smaller image on the screen that will move around
    4. Make the smaller image bounce around on the screen (for testing purposes only). After the image successfully bounces around, set dx and dy to 0 so that it no longer moves
    5. Add the following keyboard functionalities:
      • Pressing the up arrow makes the image's dy variable decrease by decrementing (decreasing) dy by 1
      • Pressing the down arrow makes the image's dy variable increase by incrementing (increasing) dy by 1
      • Pressing the left arrow makes the image's dx variable decrease by decrementing (decreasing) dx by 1
      • Pressing the right arrow makes the image's dx variable increase by incrementing (increasing) dx by 1
      • Pressing the letter w increases the height of the image (Note: you will need to keep track of the height of the image using a new variable)
      • Pressing the letter s decreases the height of the image
      • Pressing the letter d increases the width of the image (Note: you will need to keep track of the width of the image using a new variable)
      • Pressing the letter a decreases the width of the image
    6. The image should bounce of the sides of the screens accordingly
      • Ensure that the bouncing off the sides is based on the image's width and height such that when the image's width or height changes, the bouncing will correctly occur at the edge of the image
      • Hint: You should use screen's width, height, and the image's width and height of the image to mathematically determine the bounce