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Wednesday (10/30/13)


  • Algorithm Analysis of Linked List
    1. What is the Big-O of adding something to a Linked List? Why?
    2. What is the Big-O of removing something to a Linked List? Why?
    3. What is the Big-O of finding something in a Linked List? Why?


  • Complete the code for LinkedList_incomplete.py
  • You can try testing out all your code using: Linked ListTest.py
  • What does the IB expect you to know about Linked Lists?
    • Diagrams and descriptions for adding, removing, modifying, and searching in a linked list
  • What are the different types of Linked Lists? What do they look like?
    • Singly linked list
    • Doubly linked list
    • Circular linked list
  • Introduction to Binary Trees
  • What does the IB expect you to know about Binary Trees?
    • Diagrams and descriptions for building, adding, removing, and searching in a binary tree

Monday (10/28/13)


  1. If you already have started taking notes on Linked List, take those out
  2. AND take out several sheets of paper for new notes
  3. Take out a pencil (not a pen)


  • Introduction to Linked Lists (walk-through)
    • What does a Linked List look like?
    • Linked List attributes
      • first
      • last
      • size
    • Linked List methods
      • adding data (beginning, middle, end)
      • deleting data (beginning, middle, end)
      • getting data
      • modifying data
      • searching for data
      • clearing all data
  • Complete the code for LinkedList_incomplete.py
  • You can try testing out all your code using: Linked ListTest.py
  • What does the IB expect you to know about Linked Lists? Diagrams and descriptions
  • What are the different types of Linked Lists? What do they look like?
    • Singly linked list
    • Doubly linked list
    • Circular linked list

Thursday (10/24/13)


  • Period 2
    1. Show Mr. Bui your dynamic queue's before-and-after drawings.
    2. Complete the dynamic queue code (head, tail, isEmpty(), enqueue(), dequeue())
  • Period 4
    1. What LIFO stand for? When specifically would a LIFO be used?
    2. What FIFO stand for? When specifically would a FIFO be used?
    3. Complete the dynamic queue code (head, tail, isEmpty(), enqueue(), dequeue())


  • Complete and demo dynamic queues
  • Nodes and pointers (references) review

Tuesday (10/22/13)


  • Execute the following code to demo/test your DynamicStack
dStack = DynamicStack()

#test out push

#test out print

#test out top()
print("Top =>", dStack.top)

#test out pop()
print("Pop!", dStack.pop())
print("Pop!", dStack.pop())
print("Pop!", dStack.pop())

#test out popping from an empty stack
print("Pop!", dStack.pop())


  • Node Quiz
  • Stack demos
  • Dynamically-sized Queue
    1. On paper, draw the before-and-after pictures for enqueue()'s 2 scenarios:
      1. enqueueing to an empty queue
      2. enqueueing to a non-empty queue
    2. Draw the before-and-after pictures for dequeue()'s 3 scenarios:
      1. dequeueing an empty queue
      2. dequeueing the very last node
      3. dequeueing normally when the queue has more than one node
    3. Write the dynamically-sized queue code


  • Period 2 - Complete the dynamic queue before-and-after drawings
  • Period 4 - Complete the dynamic queue code and test it

Friday (10/17/13)



  • Reference variables review
  • Introduction to Nodes
  • Node Quiz on Tuesday (10/22/13)
    • Be able to trace code and draw memory diagram
    • Be able to write code that creates a given memory diagram
  • Dynamically-sized Stacks - due Tuesday (10/22/13)
    • Stack scenarios and Before-&-After pictures
      1. What are the possible behaviors of a stack?
      2. What does the picture look like Before?
      3. What does the picture look like After?
    • Create a new class called DynamicStack
    • What attribute must we keep track of when we talk about stacks?
    • Create a Node reference for the most important stack attribute
    • Implement push(num) using Nodes.
      • push() should not return anything
      • push() creates a new Node with the num, and set the new Node's next reference to the top
      • Don't forget to update the top to be the new node!
    • Implement pop() using Nodes
      • pop() removes the value on top of the stack, return it
      • pop() should also update the top
      • pop() returns None if the stack is empty
    • Implement isEmpty() which returns True if the stack is empty, and False otherwise
    • Implement print() which should print your entire stack from top down
      • Be sure to push A LOT of data to test the dynamic size
      • Also test popping A LOT of data to make sure it works too


  • Node quiz on Tuesday (10/22/13)
  • Completed Dynamic Stack by the beginning of Tuesday (10/22/13)

Wednesday (10/16/13)


Friday (10/11/13)


  • Turn in a printed copy of Criterion A: Planning of your Internal Assessment
  • Demo completed NumQueue
  • Circular Queue walk-through
  • Primitive types vs. Reference types
  • Nodes

Wednesday (10/9/13)


  • Complete NumQueue
    1. __init__(self): initializes the head and tail indices to None or -1
    2. isEmpty(self): returns True if the queue is empty
    3. isFull(self): returns True if the queue is full
    4. print(self): prints the entire queue from head to tail
    5. getHead(self): returns the value at the head or None if there is no head
    6. getTail(self): returns the value at the tail or None if there is no tail
    7. enqueue(self, num): adds num to the tail of the queue (don't forget to check if the queue is full beforehand)
    8. dequeue(self): returns and removes the head of the queue (don't forget to check if the queue is empty)
  • Test and demonstrate all your queue methods to Mr. Bui
  • What's a circular queue?


Monday (10/7/13)


  • Stacks quiz
  • Finish static stack implementation & review
  • Queues - Media:Queues.ppt
  • Create a NumQueue class (static size)
    • Due on Wednesday (10/9/13)
    • Use NumStack as a template
    • Be sure to have all the queue attributes
    • Be sure to have all the queue operations
    • Create any other queue methods that may be useful
    • Test your queue class to see if it works


Thursday (10/3/13)


  • Stacks - Media:Stacks.ppt
    • Stacks quiz on Monday (10/7/13)
    • Be able to describe the characteristics of a stack
    • Be able to explain the operations of a stack
    • Be able to describe different stack applications
    • If given a list or an array, be able to explain their use as stacks
  • Python Classes Review - Media:PythonClasses.pptx
  • NumStack Class (static-size) walk-through

Tuesday (10/1/13)



  • Searching & Sorting Quiz (~20 minutes)
  • Demo missing matrixAdd() and matrixSub()
  • Demo completed fliplr(m) and flipud(m)
  • Internal Assessment Materials
  • Henceforth...all free time...will be spent working on your IA