Zombie Apocalypse Game



  • Design and implement a game where a player must defeat hordes of zombies by shooting them down.
  • This game will require you to use the cloning and mouse pointer blocks.
  • Your player should be able to fire at the zombies.


  • 053 Write a program that uses variables and constants.
  • 057 Write a program that uses conditional structures.
  • 058 Write a program that uses looping structures.
  • 061 Code a program to display graphics.
  • 063 Code a program to animate objects.


  • A background image that is appropriate for a zombie apocalypse game.
  • Have your game play the appropriate zombie defense background music.
  • You will have a single player that can move around the screen:
    • Use the keys W, A, S, and D to move the player up, left, down, and right respectively.
    • Have your sprite change costume or point in the direction that it is moving.
  • You will create a mouse cursor (crosshairs) that will follow your mouse.
    • The crosshairs will be used to point at your target to fire.
  • When the left mouse is clicked, the player sprite will be able to fire at the zombies:
    • Have your sprite change costumes when shooting at the zombies.
    • Play a sound when firing.
    • If the left mouse is clicked on top of a zombie, then the zombie dies (make it disappear)
  • You will have a zombie sprite that will chase your player sprite around:
    • Use cloning to make hordes of zombies.
    • Have the zombie sprites change costume or point in the direction it is moving.
    • Have the zombies appear in random places. (Make sure they don't appear where the player sprite is)
    • When the zombies dies, make it disappear.
  • If the player touches any of the zombies:
    • Play a sound when hit.
    • Tell the user "Game Over" and end the game.
  • You will have a time variable that starts at 20 seconds (or another number you see fit):
    • When the game starts, the time variable decreases by 1 every second.
    • If the time variable hits 0, then tell the user "You survived the zombie apocalypse!"
  • You will have a variable that tracks the number of zombies killed.
  • Sounds - play a sound when:
    • The player wins.
    • The player loses.
    • A zombie dies.

Bonus Features:

  • Screenwrapping
  • Health bar or Hit Points
  • Items that give the player more health
  • Explosion image when zombie sprite is killed.
  • Different items that show up randomly (items that will aid your player sprite in the apocalypse)
  • Increasing difficulty levels (make the zombies faster or add in a stronger zombie)