VB 3rd Quarter Exam



  1. This exam is open-book, open-notes, closed-person, and you have the entire class period to finish it.
  2. Go to Mr. Bui's T: Outbox and find VB3rdQuarterExam
  3. COPY the FlyingObjects folder to YOUR B:\
  4. Identify, debug, and fix the errors in Mr. Bui's game
  5. HINT: There are at least 5 major problems to be fixed
  6. Once you have finished, demo the game to Mr. Bui

The Game:

  • The game should do the following:
    1. Lex Luthor should be able to move around with the keys
    2. All 3 Supermen should fly from left to right
    3. The Dodge Count should increase when a Superman passes by without hitting you
    4. The Hit Count should increase when a Superman hits Lex Luthor

Grading Rubric:

  • Each major problem is worth 20 points
    • 10 points for identifying the problem
    • 5 points for attempting to fix it (unsuccessfully)
    • 5 points for successfully fixing it