Sean Hoffman


The Project


Create several plugins using PHP for use with Wordpress and/or other blogging platforms Wordpress MU, BuddyPress, etc. Create graphically appealing website templates using PHP and Javascript, Ajax.

Diving into PHP


  • All templates and plugins will be compatible with the latest version of Wordpress
    • Other compatible blogging systems may include the platforms listed below
  • pHp plugins may include the following:
  1. Shopping Cart
  2. Photo Gallery
  3. Member System
  4. Dynamic News Rotator


Goal Overview

Updated Goals: 01/20/10

These are the goals I hope to complete during the first quarter:

  • Install PHP, MySql, Apache 2, and Wordpress on server.
  • Install PHP, MySql, Apache 2, and Wordpress locally on Ubuntu Jaunty
  • Learn Basic and some Advanced Javascript
  • Learn Basic PHP
  • Learn to communicate with MySQL using PHP
  • Create several functional applications using Javascript and PHP
  • Create a basic blog

Diving into PHP Course Goals

  • Day 1: Downloading the Language
  • Day 2: Variables
  • Day 3: Passing Values From Page to Page
  • Day 4: Multiple Variables and the “foreach” Statement
  • Day 5: Refactoring, Arrays, and Functions – Oh My!
  • Day 6: Includes
  • Day 7: Regular Expressions
  • Day 8: Strings
  • Day 9: Detecting First-Time Visitors
  • Day 10: Mysql
  • Day 11: INSERT and foreach Statements

Current Updates

  • Due to some errors with Ubuntu I was unable to install LAMP on my local install of Ubuntu during the first quarter
  • I was informed of another solution by Mr. Bui, XAMPP is similar to LAMP but it has PHP, MySQL, and Apache condensed into one program.
  • XAMPP install was successful. I am now moving onto basic PHP tutorials. My first project will be creating a basic PHP Address Book
    • I plan to use my netbook's install of dreamweaver to code and port the documents over to my Ubuntu install using a program called Dropbox.
  • I have also installed WAMPP on my netbook as a backup just in case XAMPP doesn't working on the local install of Ubuntu

Completed Code

Hello, World

Description: A basic beginner script that displays "Hello, world" in the browser window.

echo "?Hello world";

Working with Variables

Description: "$myVariable" is assigned the string value of "Sean" that variable is then echoed to the browser printing "Hello, Sean." A conditional then checks to see if "$myVariable" is set as "Sean" if it is "Welcome Back!" will be printed, if it is not "Where's Sean?" will be printed.


$myVariable = 'Sean';

echo 'Hello, ' . $myVariable . '.';

if ($myVariable == 'Sean') {
	print '<br/ >Welcome Back!';
} else {
	print "<br/ >Where's Sean?";


Web Development

I've been contracted to work on the Washington-Lee High School Baseball team's website.

The following is a list of requirements/goals for the website:

Washington-Lee Baseball Logo


In order to better accommodate the Washington-Lee Baseball Team logo I chose to redesign the website into a modified three column layout.


For more documentation on the Washington-Lee Baseball Website please click here
