IBITGS - 1112 - March


Tuesday (3/27/12)


  • Answer the following questions (30 minutes each question):
  1. The Royal Bank of Canada provides both traditional banking and online banking services. It has many branches in Canada and has customers all over the world.
    • (a) Identify two online banking services, which the bank can provide for its customers. [2 marks]
    • (b) Outline two advantages for the customer of an online bank over a traditional bank. [2 marks]
    • (c) Banks store customers’ personal data. The bank must have a policy covering the storage and use of this data. Describe two rules that must be included in this policy. [4 marks]
    • (d) Discuss three social and/or ethical concerns that customers should have about storage of their personal data. Evaluate your arguments. [12 marks]
  2. Many schools are buying mobile computer labs to use in different classrooms. The mobile lab has a set of laptop computers, a printer and a server all in a mobile cart (see Figure 1). The server, connected to a network port in the classroom, allows the laptops to connect to the school network.
    • (a) A teacher of French has booked the mobile lab for a lesson. Describe one use that her class could make of the Internet during the lesson. [2 marks]
    • (b) A science teacher has booked the mobile lab. Describe one use that his class could make of the equipment without network access. [2 marks]
    • (c) Describe two problems that the school administration may face by introducing mobile computer labs. [4 marks]
    • (d) Many issues may arise from the use of mobile labs. Discuss three distinct issues that may affect the students’ education. Evaluate your arguments. [12 marks]
  • Print out and submit to Mr. Bui before the end of class.

Monday - Friday (3/19/12 - 3/23/12)


  • Assemble ITGS Final Projects!
    • Use the provided forms. Print them out and make sure they are saved electronically as well
    • Put your project into the Project directory of the given forms
    • Put all your Criterion sections into the Documentation directory (you should only have 8 files there when done)
    • Rename the coverpage.htm file to: CandNumber_CandName_CoverPage.htm (example: 000882123_JohnSmith_CoverPage.htm)
  • Burn project onto CD
    • Put your Last name, First name, and candidate number on the CD
  • Complete the hard-copy cover page for the project
  • Print out your criterion and attach the cover page
  • Turn it into Mr. Bui

Tuesday - Thursday (3/13/12 - 3/15/12)

  • Turn in IB ITGS: Paper 2 practice exam
  • Grade IB ITGS: Paper 2 practice exam

ITGS Project Final Draft Deadline:

  • Monday, March 19th, 2012 - includes assembling digital copy of project and putting it on CD

Friday (3/9/12)

  • Complete the IB ITGS: Paper 2 practice exam.
    • Closed-note, closed-book
    • You may hand write it or type it.
    • You are on your honor only to use 2 hours (you may spend half an hour working on it at home)
  • Turn in IB ITGS: Paper 2 practice on Tuesday (3/13/12)

Wednesday (3/7/12)


  • Read through The Decline of the Media Industry
    1. Summarize in 2-3 sentences
    2. Explain why you think there is a decline?
    3. What are the advantages / benefits of this scenario?
    4. What are the disadvantages / costs of this scenario?
    5. Discuss the scenario in a social context
    6. Is there a need for a solution? or is this the natural course of society? Explain.


  • Go over Practice IB Questions

Monday (3/5/12)


  • Practice IB Questions
    • Closed-book, closed-notes
    • You may type your answer or write your answer out by hand. (WARNING: Be careful about time allocation)
    • You have exactly 1 hour