IBITGS - 0910 - January


Friday (1/29/10)


  • Go to SchoolWebLockers and download the scriptforpodcasting.doc file


Wednesday (1/27/10)


  • Check out Google Apps
    • A collection of free on-line google applications
  • Create a list of AS MANY advantages & benefits as possible for YOU as a student (come up with at least 10)
    • Example: Easier student group work via google docs
  • Create a list of AS MANY disadvantages & costs as possible for YOU as a student (come up with at least 5)
    • Example: Difficult learning curve for students who are not computer savvy


  • Using Photoshop, create graphics for your ITGS project

Monday (1/11/10)


  • Copyrights
    • reproduction
    • distribution
    • adaptation
    • performance
    • display
  • You will be assigned one of the above topics. Be able to answer the following questions:
    • What exactly does your copyright term mean?
    • Give an example of a copyrighted work that relates to the term
    • Give an example of how you would infringe on copyright with respect to your specific term


Thursday (1/7/10)


  • Take out your log book and write down today's date
  • In today's entry, write down questions that you would have for your "client." Your questions should help you design what you are going to build.
  • Examples:
    • How many people will be accessing the solution?
    • What kind of multimedia should be used?
    • Are there any environment restrictions? (e.g. must have Internet)


  • Screencasting
    • Choose an IT-based task that you know how to perform (anything!)
      • Example 1: How to use GIS
      • Example 2: How to crop an image
    • On a piece of paper, storyboard your screencast (must have at least 5 panels)
    • Create the script for your screencast
    • Submit the storyboard, script, and screencast to SchoolWebLockers
  • ITGS Project work time
    • If you can use screencasting in your project, you should think about how to incorporate it


  • Bring in log book on Monday (1/11/10)
  • Turn in Section G complete on Monday (1/11/10)

Tuesday (1/5/10)


  • Find an IT article and e-mail Mr. Bui the following information
    • Link to the article
    • <25 word description of the article
    • Describe the social & ethical issues associated with the article
    • What area of impact is most affected and how?
    • Describe several advantages and/or benefits
    • Describe several disadvantages and/or costs


  • ITGS Project
  • Section G: Analysis of the Problem within a Social Context
  • By the end of class, turn in an outline of Section G AND a description of the IT solution
