IBCS2 - 1011 - December


Thursday - Friday (12/23/10 - 12/31/10)

  • Winter Break

Tuesday (12/21/10)



  • Winter Break - Complete your Dossier code

Friday (12/17/10)

  • Binary Quiz
  • Work on Dossier projects!

Wednesday (12/15/10)


  • Dossier Progress Check
  • Show code completion of the following pieces of your dossier:
    • Basic container class (e.g. Contact)
    • Node class (e.g. ContactLLNode or ContactBTNode)
    • Partial completion of your major data structure (e.g. ContactLL or ContactBT)


Monday (12/13/10)


  • List all the Big-O complexities in order from fastest to slowest. Hint: There are 7 you should know.
  • For at least 2 of the above complexities, give an example of the algorithm that has that complexity


  • Final AddressBook demoes?
  • Introduction to Binary - Media:Binary.ppt
  • Introduction to Binary #2 - Media:Binary2.ppt
  • Binary Games
  • Binary Quiz on Friday (12/17/10)
  • Dossier Progress Check on Wednesday (12/15/10)
    • You will demo / present completion of the following components in your dossier:
      • Basic container class (e.g. Contact)
      • Node class (e.g. ContactLLNode or ContactBTNode)
      • Partial completion of your major data structure (e.g. ContactLL or ContactBT)

Thursday (12/9/10)


Tuesday (12/7/10)


  • List the stages of the software development life cycle
  • List 3 different methods of data collection for the Analysis stage


  • Turn in Dossier: B2 - Data Structures
  • Final demoes for LLAddressBook
  • BT AddressBook demoes

Friday (12/3/10)


Wednesday (12/1/10)


  • Insert the following numbers into a binary tree: 45, 23, 12, 87, 54, 52, 12, 0
  • How many comparisons does it take to find the number 54? (Remember to start at the root)
  • How many comparisons does it take to find the number 12? (Remember to start at the root)
  • What is the most number of comparisons that it takes to find a number? (Remember to start at the root)


  • AddressBook 2 Demo
  • Remove
    1. Prompt the user for a name
    2. Find the Contact in the LinkedList
    3. Use the LinkedLists's remove method to remove it
  • Sort
    1. Use the SelectionSort algorithm
    2. You will need to convert the loops to traverse a LinkedList
    3. When swapping a Contact with the front, do not swap nodes, but just the Contacts inside them
  • Edit
    1. In the Address menu, you will need to ask the user which Contact they want to edit
    2. Search for the Contact, and then prompt the user which field they want to edit
    3. Prompt the user for the new information and use the Contact's setter method to change the particular field
  • Create 3 new classes called ContactBinaryTreeNode, ContactBinaryTree, and ContactBTTestMain
  • Media:BinaryTreeNode.java
  • Media:BinaryTree.java
  • Media:BinaryTreeTestMain.java
  • Convert the 3 given binary tree classes to use Contacts instead of ints
  • Create and demo a BinaryTreeAddressBook