Game Design Proposal



  • You will create a design proposal for your game. It will contain a list of game requirements and a mockup/sketch
  • Open a MS Word document and save with the following filename: LASTNAME_gameDesign.doc


  • Brief description of your game
    • You will give a brief description (~1 paragraph) that explains what your game is like
  • Numbered list of requirements
    • Create a numbered list of things that your game must have
    • e.g. specific game sprite images like Link
    • e.g. a health bar at the top of the screen
  • Game Objective(s)
    • List the objective of the game (how to win)


  • Using MS Paint or MS Word shapes, draw a sketch of what your game will look like
  • Be sure to label all the parts of your sketch


  • Turn in the file to Mr. Bui's T-drive Inbox