Unix Evaluation


You have until the end of the class period to complete this assignment. You may use any resources on-line, notes that you have written, and you may ask me [Mr. Bui] questions. When you believe that you are done, please raise your hand and I will grade it.

1) Download (Right-click and Save Link As...) unix_test.dat and UnixTest into your home directory. Be sure to name the files "unix_test.dat" and "UnixTest". If you ls and you don't see the files named that way, then rename them using the mv command.

2) Open a terminal and go to your home directory.

3) Type in chmod 777 UnixTest

4) Type in ./UnixTest and complete the task that it gives you. If you run UnixTest over and over again, it will continue to give you a random task from a list of tasks. You only need to complete one task, so you only need to run UnixTest once.

5) When you are done, raise your hand, show me your task, and run the tree command to show me the directories and files you've created

This assignment is worth 5 pts.