Directions: The quiz is closed-person, open-book, open-note, open-internet, open-python-interpreter, and you may type all your answers on the computer. If you type your answers, then please be sure to print out your quiz and hand it in. If you are caught cheating, you will receive a zero on your quiz. You have until the end of the period to complete the quiz. Once you have completed the quiz, check your grade on-line for missing work.

1) Define a function named quizFunctionFun(num) that takes one parameter num. quizFunctionFun() should return a boolean True if num is divisible by 3 and false otherwise

2) Write a line of code that prompts the user to enter a number and store the input in a variable named myNum

3) Assume that you have the following pre-defined variables:

a = "r0x0rs"
b = "my"
c = "s0x0rs"

Write the line of code that outputs (prints) all three variables in one line so that you see:

r0x0rs my s0x0rs

4) Assume that I am a student from Swanson Middle School (greatest middle school...ever), and also assume that I am pretty good in math and English too. Please explain the term "function definition" to me in your own words. If you use the Glossary definition of "function definition," then you will not receive any credit.

5) Assume once again that I am a middle school student. Please explain the term "function call" to me in your own words. Again, if you use the Glossary definition of "function call," then you will not receive any credit.