Turtle - Initials Assignment

Revision as of 10:38, 6 February 2015 by Admin (talk | contribs)


  • You will use the Python turtle module to draw your initials on the screen
  • You will define functions that draw different letters
  • You will call turtle functions to move the turtle around the screen
  • You will call the functions that you define to draw your letters


Function Reminders:

  1. Define functions at the top
  2. Function calls always have parentheses


  1. Create a file named initials.py
  2. Define a function named firstInitial() that draws your first name's initial
  3. Define a function named lastInitial() that draws your last name's initial
  4. Define a function named fullInitials() that calls firstInitial() and lastInitial() and draws your full initials
  5. Test out fullInitials() with a function call
  6. Now add some move commands that moves the turtle around the screen before your fullInitials() function call (*not* before the definition)
  7. Make your program draw your full initials in each of the four corners (you must use function calls)