Scratch Workshop - Item Collection & Dodge

Revision as of 13:31, 24 February 2015 by Admin (talk | contribs)
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  1. Makeup class will be on Tuesday (3/10/15) at the same time and place
  2. Review Scratch blocks
  3. E-mail for attendance and tell him what you would like to cover next week
  4. Develop Item Collection & Dodge Game


  • You will create a Scratch game that allows a player to travel around the screen, collect items, and avoid dangers
  • Use the following Item Collection & Dodge Template to start your game
    1. Click the link
    2. See inside
    3. Go to File->Save as a copy

Game Summary:

  • The player will be able to move around
  • The player will be able to collect items
  • The player must avoid dangers like "mines" or "traps"
  • The player wins when all items are picked up
  • The player loses when he/she hits a dangerous item

Player Sprite:

  1. Import a new image or create your own player sprite image to replace the given one
  2. Analyze the given movement code
  3. Add additional code blocks to enable movement in the other directions
  4. Hint: You will need more if-statements (Control), key pressing (Sensing), directional movement (Motion)

Item counter: - will be used to keep track of picked up items

  1. Create a variable for all sprites named "count"
  2. Go to the stage background:
  3. Reset the count variable to 0 when the game starts (green flag clicked)
  4. Use a forever loop after resetting the variable
    1. Add an if block to check if the count variable is ever equal to 10, then broadcast a message like "all collected"
  5. Go to the player sprite:
  6. When the player receives "all collected", then
    1. say "You win!"
    2. stop everything in the game (Hint: check the Control blocks)

Collecting Items:

  1. Import a new image for the items that the player will collect
  2. When the game starts, tell the item to go to a random location (use the goto and random # block for x and y)
  3. Use a forever loop to repeatedly do the following:
    1. Check if the item touches the player sprite, then:
      1. it should disappear (hide)
      2. broadcast a message to the player sprite to say something like "yum!"
      3. increase the item count by 1

Dangerous Items:

  1. Import a new image for the dangerous items that the player will avoid
  2. When the game starts, tell the item to go to a random location (use the goto and random # block for x and y)
  3. Use a forever loop to repeatedly do the following:
    1. Check if the item touches the player sprite, then:
      1. it should disappear (hide)
      2. say "game over"
      3. stop everything in the game

Bonus Features:

  • Sounds - play a sound when:
    • you collect an item
    • collide with a danger and lose
    • win
  • Moving items and dangers (make some of the items and dangers move and bounce around the screen)
  • Countdown timer - a time variable that starts at 10 (or another number you see fit)
    • When the game starts, the time variable decreases by 1 every second
    • If the time variable hits 0 and the item count is still less than the 5, then the player should lose ("Game Over" appears)
  • Items that give the player more time
  • Screenwrapping - when the hits the edge of the screen, it appears on the other side
  • Wall collisions - prevent the player from going off the screen
  • Health bar or Hit Points
  • Multi-directional sprite images
  • Explosion image when player sprite collides with a danger
  • Change item count label to a point collection label
  • Different items (worth different values)
  • Increasing difficulty levels (more dangers)