Python - Maze Generation Assignment

Revision as of 12:53, 16 May 2013 by Admin (talk | contribs)


  • You will create a maze generation program
  • You will create Python classes that represent a MazeRoom and a Maze
  • You will implement a depth-first search maze algorithm using a stack as a backtracker


MazeRoom class

  • Create a file named for the MazeRoom class


  • MazeRoom should have the following attributes with default values:
    • roomToNorth - references the a doorway to the north. A None value means that there is wall
      • Default: None
    • roomToSouth - references the a doorway to the south. A None value means that there is wall
      • Default: None
    • roomToEast - references the a doorway to the east. A None value means that there is wall
      • Default: None
    • roomToWest - references the a doorway to the west. A None value means that there is wall
      • Default: None
    • row - the row number for the Room
      • Default: -1
    • col - the column number for the Room
      • Default: -1
    • visited - a Boolean that keeps track of whether or not the room has been visited in the maze algorithm
      • Default: False


  • MazeRoom should have the following method:
    • def __init__(self, row = -1, col = -1) - set the internal row and col attributes to be the same as the input parameters

Maze class

  • Create a file named for the Maze class


  • numRows - an int that stores the total number of rows in your maze
  • numCols - an int that stores the total number of cols in your maze
  • rooms - a 2-dimensional list of Rooms
  • stack - a list of Rooms that will be used to backtrack



from Maze import *

maze = Maze()