Patrick Thai

Revision as of 12:11, 19 October 2009 by Pthai (talk | contribs)


Create a 2D game engine that is fully functional using Java


  • Complete Variables and Expressions Section
Numbers and variables are able to be stored inside letters. a = 1
The double code can be used to store numbers such as 10.5. double a; a = 10.5;
a = (int)10.5 the result will be 10.
E is used to show scientific notation. 5 x 10⁶ = 5E6
j++; = add j to the current value and then assign the new value to j.
Strings used similar to other programming languages. String s; string s = ḧello world
the length is the length of the string. use of / for escape characters.
System.out.println is a method that takes a single argument. When that argument is a string, then the contents of the string are displayed.
Going through boolean and arrays. Assign values with arrays. Everything can go together and can be combined.
  • Complete Program Control Section
the use of if and else
different type of errors; symbols,incompatible types

Complete Method Section

Complete Object Oriented Concepts Section

Simple Objects Section

Inheritance and Polymorphism Section

Class Definitions Revisited

Abstractions Section

Algorithms (intro)

Searching and Sorting

Program Analysis
