Nicholas Freed

Revision as of 21:52, 23 November 2010 by Junk (talk | contribs)


  • HDCP antipiracy leak
  • Summary
  • HDCP or High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection was cracked this means that the market will be flooded with lots of bootleg DVD's and blu-ray movies hdcp is the thing that copyrights most movies on digital devices
  • this has to do with the integrity and the authenticity


  • [1]Activision: Violent games law chokes free speech
  • Summary
  • This article has to do with violence in video games and peoples first amendment rights. Basicaly some people in california dont like the fact that minors can buy M rated games in stores and this case has worked its way up to the U.S. Supreme Court. This court case has to do with whether video games are protected under the first amendemt.
  • Stake holders in this article are as mentoined in the article Acticision and the United States government.
  • This article ties into the policies and standards part of ITGS.
  • The impacts me at the moment as for now I am still a minor who likes to play voilent video games
  • To solve this I would just leave the laws as they are to purchase video games


  • [2] mobile breast scanner for breast cancer screening
  • Summary
  • This article has to do with a professor at Manchester university that has invented a mobile breast cancer screening device that could make the breast exams at home an option in the near future for many women.
  • Stake holders in this article are as mentoined women, doctors, and the professor could possibly make alot of money off in invention.
  • This article ties into the people and machines part of ITGS and it is also still breast cancer awareness month at this point in time .
  • The impacts me at the moment men can get breast cancer too
  • There is really no problem with this


  • [3]Tesla (electric car company)adds a new model to the line up
  • Summary
  • Tesla has opened up a new plant in California. if you do not know much a bout Tesla they tend to make all electric sports cars. with their latest model you can go up to 300 miles on a single battery charge this all depends on which battery pack you get with your car though. With the plant opening they plan to bring in more jobs to the area and maybe bring back some of the jobs that were lost when the plant was closed by the last company that owed the it.
  • Stake holders in this article are people interested in buying one of the cars the company and the employees who may get jobs at the new plant.
  • This article ties into the people and machines part of ITGS also has to do some with the environment and going green.
  • The impacts me at the moment as of now i just think the electric sports cars Tesla makes are cool.
  • not really a problem but one is the cost of the cars at this point which will go down over time when the parts become cheaper to produce


  • [4] A way to text and call from you Ipad or Itouch !!!!!
  • Summary
  • the line 2 app for you Ipad or Itouch and even for your Iphone (idk why you would want to text and call on the internet from you phone but hey you phone) lets you call and text over the internet for 9.95 a month which is pretty cheap compared to how ever much you pay for your cell phone bills
  • Stake holders in this article are people interested saving money possibly.
  • This article ties into the people and machines part of ITGS .
  • The impacts me at the moment as of now i dont even have head phones for my nano but if i had an Itouch i would get this app wholetime tho.
  • cant solve a problem when there isnt one


  • Movie Questions
  • 1. personally i think that it is a good thing that kids in other countries know what they are going to do and take classes in high school to prepare them to go in to fields that they have been prepared for all through high school and college
  • 2.the kids chosen to represent the US in the movie personally i don't think fairly showed our top students in the US the students they showed were just plan white bread teens from middle of no where USA. like i know kids who have been taking classes all through high school and even middle school to get them ready for professions of their choosing.
  • 3. Well me and some of my classmates had already seen the video in another class and it dose show how the world has been flattened some what and leveled the playing field for developing counties with the resources to capitalize, but in hind site has it really made me appreciate what i have i would have to say so like i ride the school bus to school and most of these kids have to go out of there way to get to school in these other counties for one and here we take education as a given and in these countries they want to be educated and advance their selfs up the social pyramidmany of these kids they are the first in there families to go to college and here its like anyone can goto college as long as you have the money.


  • Article Questions
  • 1. the salaries of the new auto workers here is about half of what the auto workers in germany were being paid here the workers are paid about 15 dollars an hour in europe the were payed about 30 dollars or 24 euros an hour so it is cheap to have the plant here for BMW.
  • 2. no iam not suprised by the pay difference between the US and Germany its all about the cost of living it is cheaper to live in the small town middle of nowhere USA then in where ever Germany. for one gas is alot cheaper here in the US then it is in europe its like 5 euros for a liter first 5 eruros is like 8 dollars here and a liter is less then a gallon so you can see why we save money on gas.
  • 3. companies who have plants in high cost of living areas off shore to lower income areas in the US to try and save the company money its the same princable all around though you send the work to places where you can pay people less for the same work. like in the US cost of living in arlington, virgina is going to be higher then in parkersburg, west virgina.


  • pirate bay isohunt or any torrenting website would be a good example of uploading on the web and the sharing of files and data among people it has allowed people to share files among each other.


  • [5]Facebook Developers Sold User IDs to Data Brokers
  • apperntly facebook developers have been seceretly selling user info to data brokers who in turn spam the emails of those who have gotten there user ID aka your log in to facebook (your email account)
  • stake holders people who use facebook the devolopers themself and facebook
  • this effects the privacy and anonymity of facebook users who got there info stolen\
  • privacy and anonymity is the area of impact in the grand sceem of socail and ethical issues
  • my opion on this i wouldnt want my personal info stolen