Matthew Pearson-Beck

Revision as of 09:32, 17 February 2011 by Mpearson (talk | contribs) (2nd/3rd Quarter)

1st Quarter

Create a class in Java that diagrams the formation and structure of Nodes, as they are created. Used to help introduce Nodes to students learning Java.


Goal List

  1. Research in detail the structure of nodes in Java.          
         DUE: 9/17
  2. Complete 2D Graphics Tutorial.
         DUE: 9/27
  3. Finish research, in its entirety, to make it possible to graphically represent nodes.
         DUE: 10/1
  4. Graphically represent a single empty node.
         DUE: 10/5
  5. Graphically link together empty nodes.
         DUE: 10/12
  6. Control the layout of nodes based on the dimensions of the window they are in.
         DUE: 10/14
  7. Graphically link together a set of empty nodes within the bounds of the window.
         DUE: 10/18
  8. Graphically display the information a node contains.
         DUE: 10/22
  9. Graphically display a given set of nodes, including the data they contain, inside the bounds of the window.
         DUE: 10/28
 10. Organize all methods into a file that can be used to illustrate how nodes work. This file can be used by any student as they create their own nodes.
         DUE: 11/1

Files: contains the final source code, can be executed in Eclipse (or other program) to perform all the functions listed above. It requires the Linked List file, which requires the Node file (also provided). They have been renamed to NodeMPB and LinkedListMPB in order to avoid uploading files that have already been uploaded to the wiki. Their class names have been adjusted and they function correctly as written.

2nd/3rd Quarter

Project 1 - MIT OCW - Description
Go through each lesson of the MIT Course "6.042J / 18.062J Mathematics for Computer Science", also known as "Discrete Mathematics". There are three separate OpenCourseware classes listed that cover the same material, so notes and problem sets from all three will be used in order to get the best information possible. Notes will be studied from the Fall and Spring 2005 class schedules. Each week has problem sets associated with it. The problem sets to be completed are from the Fall 2002 class.

Notes will also be studied from the Class "6.080 Great Ideas in Theoretical Computer Science". Only lecture notes are provided, so they will be read more for a broad overview than for specific factual details.


Goal List

  1. Week 1- DONE (MfCS)
  2. Week 2 - DONE (MfCS)
  3. Week 3 - DONE (MfCS)
  4. Week 4 - DONE (MfCS)
  5. Week 5 - DONE (MfCS)
  6. Week 1 Notes - DONE (GIiTCS)
  7. Week 2 Notes - DONE (GIiTCS)
  8. Week 3 Notes - DONE (GIiTCS)
  9. Week 4 Notes - DONE (GIiTCS)
  10. Week 5 Notes - DONE (GIiTCS)

Note: While MIT OCW is great for providing a general understanding, the notes alone are usually inadequate for solving all of the problem sets. There were obviously some portions only discussed in the classroom that are vital to full understanding.

Project 2 - Augmented Reality - Description
Use Actionscript 2 (with Flash CS3) to make a project that uses Augmented Reality to demonstrate marker detection, model portrayal on objects, and hit detection between objects.


Goal List

  1. Create finalized markers (2-3), save as .pat files with the Marker generator.
     Due: 1/14/11
  2. Finalize decision on model choice for the two vehicles to collide.
     Due: 1/14/11
  3. Construct proper file organization for markers, models, and references to each in code.
     Due: 1/16/11
  4. Research the use of webcams for marker recognition and Augmented Reality.
     Due: 1/20/11
  5. Achieve marker recognition and portrayal of model on marker.
     Due: 1/22/11
  6. Achieve movement of models in the -x or -y direction based on initial marker position. Distance between object and marker should be treated as radius of a circle. When marker is rotated, object should "move" along the edge of the circle (changing direction and position).
     Due: 1/26/11
  7. Research the use of either multiple markers with one model each, or multiple models with one marker total. Choose which to pursue.
     Due: 1/30/11
  8. Achieve multiple marker recognition / multiple model display (whichever chosen.)
     Due: 2/6/11
  9. Finish hit detection between models (related to inital marker position) and finish end animation sequence.
     Due: 2/14/11
  10. Package all files in concise directory, properly reference all models and markers, create a basic how-to guide for users interested in demo-ing the program.
      Due: 2/18/11

1) Shows how a model is portrayed on a marker. <img src ="" alt = "Ignore the random hummer, I'm working on it." />

File:EuclidsGCDAlgorithm 6080

Written on 11/8/10, these illustrate Euclid's Algorithm for finding the Greatest Common Denominator of Two Numbers, which was discussed in MIT's OpenCourseware Lecture 1 for the class "Great Ideas in Theoretical Computer Science". The first file is iterative, and the second is recursive.

Written on 12/2/10, this illustrates an optimal guessing algorithm for numbers between 0 and 100 (the Computer Science I exercise),

3rd Quarter

4th Quarter