Kyla Bouldin

Revision as of 19:11, 14 November 2010 by Kylambouldin (talk | contribs)

First and Second Quarter

work on my science project:sept 9 - dec 17

Java code on blog:

Convolution using a convolution kernel is a spatial operation that computes the output pixel from an input pixel by multiplying the kernel with the surround of the input pixel. This allows the output pixel to be affected by the immediate neighborhood in a way that can be mathematically specified with a kernel.


  1. Finish research and write proposal - due sept 16 √
  2. Go through simple image processing tutorials √
  3. Grey Scale√
  4. Matrix Image√
  5. Edge Detection
  6. Shape Detection
  7. Add Noise
  8. DeNoise
  9. Paper Introduction, Procedure, Lit Cites (oct 11) √
  10. Decide how to detect sound and how to take data
  11. Think of way to print images with sound. what paper, what size, thickness of shape.. etc
  12. Find how to use web cam with computer and upload directly to program
  13. Find place to set up camera and images
  14. If time write program to detect squares
  15. Set up web cam with robot
  16. Set up robot or plain camera to detect where the picture is
  17. run experiment
  18. set up data in computer
  19. Data collection & results - due dec 6
  20. Start writing final paper
  21. Finish research Paper - due Dec 17

final project process goal:

  1. Input from camera
  2. Process Image from camera
  3. Scan for and identify edges (use vectors)
  4. Analyse vectors and identify shapes

Third Quarter

Third Quarter/End of Science Proj - Start learning objective C
Links -
Plus books at home

  1. Go through safaribooksonline objective c tutorial
  2. Transfer Games from Java to Objective C
  3. Put a program on iPhone

Fourth Quarter

1/2 objective C... 1/2 Java

Kylambouldin 19:49, 15 September 2010 (EDT) Kyla BouldinKylambouldin 19:49, 15 September 2010 (EDT)