IB Information Technology in the Global Society (ITGS)

Revision as of 13:32, 21 September 2010 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Tuesday (9/21/10))

Tuesday (9/21/10)


  • Find one IT article through any website. Read the article and answer the following questions on your student page.
    • Link to the article
    • Summarize the article in 2-3 sentences
    • Who are the stakeholders?
    • How does it relate the ITGS social/ethical issues? List and describe the issues that relate.
    • How does the article relate to YOU? (i.e. How does it impact you?)
    • How would you solve the issue(s) at hand?


Friday (9/17/10)


  • Find an IT article with a social/ethical issue
  • Read the article
  • Prepare to identify one of the issues on the board


Wednesday (9/15/10)

Monday (9/13/10)


  1. Go to a computer retailer's website (e.g. Dell, HP, Sony, Apple, etc.)
  2. Find a DESKTOP computer that you would be interested in purchasing
  3. Go to Office->Open Office Writer and create a new document
  4. Put your name at the top of the document
  5. In your new document, copy and paste the link to the computer that you would like to purchase
  6. Copy and paste the "technical specifications" of the computer
  7. Save the file as Lastname_HW.odf


Tuesday - Thursday (9/7/09 - 9/9/10)
