IB Computer Science II

Revision as of 06:54, 18 September 2009 by Admin (talk | contribs)

Friday (9/18/09)


  • Demo your Person and Car classes to Mr. Bui


Wednesday (9/16/09)


  • Complete the Circle class with the following methods:
    • Circle()
    • getRadius()
    • setRadius()
    • getDiameter()
    • getArea()


Homework Assignment

Monday (9/14/09)


  • Be sure that you have completed the Hello, world Java programs from last week

AddressBookMenu Warmup

  • You will be creating a user interface menu for use with your AddressBook
  • Open / create your AddressBook's main method
  • Print out a message that explains the program (e.g. "Welcome to YOUR_NAME's address book!")
  • Print out a menu with the following options:
(a)dd to address book
(p)rint address book

What would you like to do? 
  • You should prompt for input after the menu is printed. Review Media:JavaIOExample.java for examples of input/output
  • If the user inputs 'a', then print a message that says "USER SELECTED ADD"
  • If the user inputs 'p', then print a message that says "USER SELECTED PRINT"
  • If the user inputs 'q', then print a message that says "USER SELECTED QUIT"


Homework Assignment

Thursday (9/10/09)

  1. Write a Hello, world! program ( Hint: Java program template )
    1. Create a new Java program using JEdit or whatever editor you prefer
    2. Use the Java program template as a guide
    3. Insert your code
    4. Compile and execute your code
      1. Open terminal
      2. Navigate to your Java file
      3. javac FILENAME
      4. Execute your code: java PROGRAM_NAME
  2. Write a program that prints Hello, world 20 times (You may login to eimacs to remember how)
  3. Write a program that prints Hello, world infinite times

Tuesday (9/8/09)

  • Introductions
  • IB Computer Science II Syllabus
  • Name cards
  • Lab setup/config
    • Login username is your first initial and lastname (e.g. pbui)
    • Your password is your student ID number
    • Go to System -> Preferences -> About Me -> Change Password

Summer Break