IB Computer Science 2

Revision as of 10:04, 16 October 2018 by Admin (talk | contribs)

Tuesday (10/16/18)


  • Creating a blank image and manipulating the pixels
    1. Rotate 90 degrees clockwise
  • Complete and demo the following image processing filters:
    1. Rotate 90 degrees clockwise of a non-square image
    2. Pointilism
      1. Take an image, sample every (5th row, 5th col) pixel's color
      2. Draw an ellipse of size 10 diameter using the sampled fill color in the corresponding location
    3. Mosaic
      1. Take an image, sample every (10th row, 10th col) pixel's color
      2. Using a blank image, fill every 10x10 square using the sampled pixel's color
      3. You should display the mosaic of the original image

Tuesday - Friday (10/9/18 - 10/12/18)


  • Demo Media:BubbleSort.java
  • Algorithms Identification Quiz in Canvas
  • Reference variables overview
  • Two-Dimensional Arrays and Nested Loops
    1. Accessing all of the individual elements of a two-dimensional list
    2. Prompt the user to construct a two-dimensional list
      1. Prompt for the number of rows
      2. Prompt for the number of columns
      3. Prompt the user for each number in the two-dimensional list
    3. Write a method: void matrixPrint(int[][] m)
      • Print each row on a separate line, and each element should be separated by a space
      • Complete the method in repl.it
  • Nested Loops, Processing & Images
    • Processing coordinate system review (print mouse coordinates)
    • Processing PImage object practice
    • Processing: Images & Pixels Tutorial
    • As a class, we'll walk through several of the examples from the tutorial above, and we'll modify each slightly
  • Image Processing Exercises?
    1. Convert to black and white
    2. Rotate image 90 degrees
    3. Flip vertical
    4. Flip horizontal
    5. Pointilism
    6. Mosaic
    7. Edge detection?

Homework Challenge:

  • Try to complete the rotate 90 degrees image challenge

Thursday (10/4/18)


  • Make sure you've completed Selection Sort in repl.it
    • Mr. Bui will be manually looking at your repl.it submissions too
  • Take the Sorting Identification Quiz in Canvas
    • The access code is ...
  • Bubble sort review
  • Complete and demo Media:BubbleSort.java

Tuesday (10/2/18)


  • Take the Abstract Data Structures Pre-assessment on Canvas
    • Do not guess answers, skip them if you do not know the answer
  • Complete the Find Minimum & Maximum repl.it


  • Group sorting activity
    1. Form 3-4 person groups
    2. Receive playing cards
    3. With your group, document an algorithm (steps) of how you sort the cards out
  • Introduction to Sorting
  • Selection sort assignment in repl.it
