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== Thursday (11/18/10) ==
== [[IBCS2 - Archives]] ==
* Look at the board, identify the invalid node in each binary tree.  Where should the invalid node go in order for the tree to be valid?
* Review setters/getters
* Review using methods of objects
* Complete and demo a working AddressBook that uses LinkedList
* How do we add sorting to our AddressBook?
* Binary Trees!
== Tuesday (11/16/10) ==
# Create a new class named ContactNode
# It should have two attributes:
#* Contact c = null
#* ContactNode next = null;
# It should have two constructors
#* Default constructor: ContactNode()
#* Specific constructor: ContactNode(Contact newC)
# You should make setters and getters for the attributes
* Create a new class called ContactLinkedList
* Convert your LinkedList to use ContactNode and call it ContactLinkedList
* Be sure to test your ContactLinkedList
* AddressBook class review
* Convert your AddressBook to use ContactLinkedList instead of Contact[] array
** Be sure to test your AddressBook with LOTS of contacts
** HINT: Use a loop to auto-create 100s of Contacts and auto-add them
* Introduction to Binary Trees
** [[Media:BinaryTrees.ppt]]
== Friday (11/12/10) ==
* Demo your completed LinkedList
* Contact class review
* Create a new class from your Node class and called ContactNode
* Create a new class called ContactLinkedList
* Convert your LinkedList to use ContactNode and call it ContactLinkedList
* Be sure to test your ContactLinkedList
* AddressBook class review
* Convert your AddressBook to use ContactLinkedList instead of Contact[] array
** Be sure to test your AddressBook with LOTS of contacts
** HINT: Use a loop to auto-create 100s of Contacts and auto-add them
== Friday - Tuesday (11/5/10 - 11/9/10) ==
* Demo [[Media:DynamicStack.java]]
* Demo [[Media:DynamicQueue.java]]
* Introduction to Linked Lists
** [[Media:LinkedList.java]]
** Attributes: head, tail, size
** Constructors: default
** Methods:
*** boolean isEmpty() - returns true if the LinkedList is empty, and false otherwise
*** void append(int num) - adds a new Node with num at the end of the LinkedList
*** void add(int num, int index) - adds a new Node with num at the index specified
**** There are FIVE different scenarios when you add a Node
**** DRAW the before-and-after pictures for all FIVE secenarios
*** int remove(int index) - removes the index-th Node and returns its data
**** There are SIX different scenarios when you remove a Node
*** int getNum(int index) - returns the num found at the index (HINT: you'll need to traverse the LinkedList)
*** int search(int num) - returns the index of the Node with num (returns -1 if num not in list)
*** void print() - traverses the LinkedList and prints out each Node's data
* Test your LinkedList using [[Media:LinkedListTestMain.java]]
== Wednesday (11/3/10) ==
* Draw the memory diagram after the following code executes:
<source lang="Java">
Node head = new Node(14);
Node tail = head;
tail.next = new Node(15);
tail = tail.next;
head.next.next = new Node(926);
tail = tail.next;
tail.next = new Node(3);
tail = tail.next;
* Turn in your Prototype Solutions
* Return all papers
* Demo your [[Media:DynamicStack.java]]
* Review Dynamic Queue
** Memory diagrams for each method
** Begin/Starting scenarios for each method
** Draw the before-and-after pictures for adding a Node to an empty Queue (be sure to use head and tail!)
** Draw the before and after pictures for adding a Node to a non-empty Queue
** Draw the before-and-after pictures for removing a Node from an empty Queue
** Draw the before and after pictures for removing a Node from a non-empty Queue
* Complete and demo [[Media:DynamicQueue.java]]
== Tuesday (11/2/10) ==
* Teacher Work Day
== Archives ==
* [[IBCS2 - 1011 - October]]
* [[IBCS2 - 1011 - September]]

Latest revision as of 08:28, 13 September 2023