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(Friday (11/5/10))
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== Friday (11/5/10) ==
== [[IBCS2 - Archives]] ==
* Demo [[Media:DynamicStack.java]]
* Demo [[Media:DynamicQueue.java]]
* Introduction to Linked Lists
** [[Media:LinkedList.java]]
** Attributes: head, tail, size
** Constructors: default
** Methods:
*** isEmpty() - returns true if the LinkedList is empty, and false otherwise
*** void append(int num) - adds a new Node with num at the end of the LinkedList
*** void add(int num, int index) - adds a new Node with num at the index specified
**** There are FIVE different scenarios when you add a Node
**** DRAW the before-and-after pictures for all FIVE secenarios
*** int remove(int index) - removes the index-th Node and returns its data
**** There are SIX different scenarios when you remove a Node
*** int getNum(int index) - returns the num found at the index
*** void print() - traverses the LinkedList and prints out each Node's data
*** int search(int num) - returns the index of the Node with num (returns -1 if num not in list)
== Wednesday (11/3/10) ==
* Draw the memory diagram after the following code executes:
<source lang="Java">
Node head = new Node(14);
Node tail = head;
tail.next = new Node(15);
tail = tail.next;
head.next.next = new Node(926);
tail = tail.next;
tail.next = new Node(3);
tail = tail.next;
* Turn in your Prototype Solutions
* Return all papers
* Demo your [[Media:DynamicStack.java]]
* Review Dynamic Queue
** Memory diagrams for each method
** Begin/Starting scenarios for each method
** Draw the before-and-after pictures for adding a Node to an empty Queue (be sure to use head and tail!)
** Draw the before and after pictures for adding a Node to a non-empty Queue
** Draw the before-and-after pictures for removing a Node from an empty Queue
** Draw the before and after pictures for removing a Node from a non-empty Queue
* Complete and demo [[Media:DynamicQueue.java]]
== Tuesday (11/2/10) ==
* Teacher Work Day
== Friday (10/29/30) ==
* Draw the memory diagram after the following code executes:
<source lang="Java">
Node fun = new Node(42);
Node general = new Node (11);
Node a, b, c;
a = general;
b = a;
fun.next = b;
c = fun;
* Node Practice
** [[Media:NodeFunAgain.java]]
* Dynamically-sized Stacks
** Create a new class called DynamicStack
*** [[Media:DynamicStack.java]]
** What attribute must we keep track of when we talk about stacks?
** Create a Node reference for the most important stack attribute
** Implement push(int num) using Nodes.
*** push() should not return anything
*** push() creates a new Node with the num, and set the new Node's next reference to the top
*** Don't forget to update the top to be the new node!
** Implement pop(), which should POP and return the value on top of the stack and update the top
** Implement top(), which should just return the value on top of the stack
** Implement isEmpty() which returns true if the stack is empty
** Implement print() which should print your entire stack
* Dynamically-sized Queues
** Create a new class called DynamicQueue
*** [[Media:DynamicQueue.java]]
** Test out your DynamicQueue using the original QueueMain file
== Wednesday (10/27/10) ==
* What does FIFO stand for?
* When would you want to use a queue?  Give an example
* Assume the following queue operations have occurred:
*# Add "Nick"
*# Add "Scarlet"
*# Add "Sheng"
*# Remove
*# Add "Daniel"
*# Remove
*# What is left in the queue?
* Object and References Review
** [[Media:Point.java]]
** [[Media:ReferencesReview.java]]
* Node class
** [[Media:Node.java]]
** [[Media:NodeFun.java]]
* Node references practice
* Read through [[Media:CriterionA3_prototypeSolution.doc]]
* Begin working on your Prototype Solution.  It will be due next Tuesday (10/27/09).
* Dossier - Prototype Solution rough draft due Tuesday (11/3/10)
== Monday (10/25/10) ==
* Turn in your Criteria for Success
* Grab a Stacks Quiz, you may start immediately
* Stacks Quiz!
* Criteria for Success peer edit
* Queueueueueues (Queues)
** [[Media:Queues.ppt]]
** [[Media:Queue.java]]
** [[Media:QueueMain.java]]
* Fix [[Media:Queue.java]] so that it works. You must fill in all the method bodies
== Thursday (10/21/10) ==
# What does LIFO stand for?
# What data structure does LIFO describe?
# What is the one location that you worry about in the structure from #2?
# What are the two actions that you can do in the structure from #2?
# When would you want to use the structure from #2?
* Array Review
* Stack Review
* Queues
** [[Media:Queues.ppt]]
** [[Media:Queue.java]]
** [[Media:QueueMain.java]]
* Fix [[Media:Queue.java]] so that it works. You must fill in all the method bodies
* Criteria for Success due Monday (10/25/10)
* Stacks quiz on Monday (10/25/10)
== Tuesday (10/19/10) ==
* Introduction to Mr. Fowler
* Field trip debrief
* Sorting & Searching Review
** Linear Search
** Binary Search
** Selection Sort
** Bubble Sort
* Missing assignments
** Dossier - Analysis of the Problem
** [[Media:LinearSearch.java]]
** [[Media:BinarySearch.java]]
* Analyzing the Problem section - peer edits
* Criteria for Success
** [[Media:CriterionA2_criteriaforSuccess.doc]] due Monday (10/25/10)
* Introduction to Data Structures
* Stacks
** [[Media:Stacks.ppt]]
** [[Media:Stack.java]]
** [[Media:StackMain.java]]
** Stacks quiz on Monday (10/25/10)
* Criteria for Success due Monday (10/25/10)
* Stacks quiz on Monday (10/25/10)
== Friday (10/15/20) ==
* Field trip
== Wednesday (10/13/10) ==
* Field trip slips!
* Friday Field Trip - meet in Cafeteria at 8:10AM
* Demo [[Media:LinearSearch.java]]
* Demo [[Media:BinarySearch.java]]
* Introduction to Security
** Authentication - [[Media:Authentication.ppt]]
== Friday (10/8/10) ==
* Turn in Analyzing the Problem section
* What are the steps necessary in order to use a dictionary?
** Write it out in a text editor.
* Peer edit analyzing the problem
* Review of Linear Search
* Download [[Media:LinearSearch.java]]
* Fill in the commented parts of LinearSearch.java and demo a working linear search to Mr. Bui
* Linear Search performance evaluation
# What is the best case scenario? i.e. What is the minimum # of comparisons?
# What is the worst case scenario? i.e. What is the maximum # of comparisons?
# What is the average # of comparisons?
# Can we do better than a linear search?
* Introduction to Binary Search
# Assume sorted list
# Go to the middle point
# If the middle element matches the key, then the search is over
# If the key is less than middle element, go to the left (down), else go to the right (up)
# Repeat steps 2-4 until the key is found or when the left and right bounds pass each other
* [http://euler.slu.edu/~goldwasser/demos/BinarySearch/ Binary Search Demo]
* [http://www.cosc.canterbury.ac.nz/people/mukundan/dsal/BSearch.html Binary Search Demo2]
* [[Media:BinarySearch.java]]
* Binary Search performance evaluation
# What is the best case scenario? i.e. What is the minimum # of comparisons?
# What is the worst case scenario? i.e. What is the maximum # of comparisons?
# What is the average # of comparisons?
* Binary Search Advantages & Disadvantages
* Use the following [[Media:IBCS2Roster.txt]]
* Convert [[Media:LinearSearch.java]] and [[Media:BinarySearch.java]] so that it searches for a String name
== Wednesday (10/6/10) ==
* Pickup 5 playing cards from Mr. Bui
* Use the BubbleSort algorithm to hand-sort the cards from least to greatest
* Turn in field trip slips.
* Demo all programs.  Interims are due today.
* Work on Dossier: Analyzing the Problem
* Analyzing the Problem due Friday (10/8/08)Due Friday (10/8/08)
* Any missing assignments
== Monday (10/4/10) ==
* Complete any missing assignments:
** [[AddressBook class lab assignment]]
** SelectionSort
* SelectionSort Review
* Introduction to Bubble Sort
# Initialize the front to be the top or beginning of the array
# Now go to the bottom/end of the array
# Compare the two adjacent elements to see if they are in proper sequential order
## Swap the elements if they are out of order (bigger number to the left of smaller number)
# Move to the next pair of adjacent elements/numbers
# Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the smallest number has "floated" to the top/front
# After you traverse the entire array
## Move the front so that the sorted numbers are ignored
## Go back to the end of the array
## Repeat steps 2 through 6 for the unsorted part of the array
<!--* [http://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~minoura/cs162/javaProgs/sort/BubbleSort.html Bubble Sort Animation]-->
* [http://math.hws.edu/TMCM/java/xSortLab/ Sorting Animations]
* [http://www.cs.pitt.edu/~kirk/cs1501/animations/Sort2.html More Sorting Animations]
* Download [[Media:BubbleSort.java]]
** Fill in the commented parts of the BubbleSort.java file. Where there is a comment, you need to write code.
** Demo to Mr. Bui at the end of class
* Introduction to the Program Dossier
** [[Media:CriterionA1_problemAnalysis.doc]]
** Analyzing the Problem due Friday (10/8/08)
** Work on your Analyzing the Problem section
* Analyzing the Problem due Friday (10/8/10)
== Thursday (9/30/10) ==
* Pickup 5 playing cards from Mr. Bui
* Use the SelectionSort algorithm to hand-sort the cards from least to greatest
* Turn in field trip slips
* Turn in quiz corrections
* Demo [[AddressBook class lab assignment]]
* Demo ArrayPractice exercises
* Demo SelectionSort
* Add a (s)ort option to your AddressBook
** In order to compare Strings:
<source lang="Java">
if (str1.compareTo(str2) < 0)
  System.out.println(str1 + " goes before " + str2);
* So inside your AddressBook, you'd have something like this:
<source lang="Java">
if (myContacts[i].getLastName().compareTo(myContacts[j].getLastName()) < 0)
== Back To School Night (9/29/10) ==
* [[Media:B2snIBCS2.ppt]]
== Tuesday (9/28/10) ==
* Create a Java file with a main() called SelectionSort
* Create an array of 20 ints
* Use your own numbers in the array
* Introduction to Selection Sort
# Find the smallest element
# Move to the front of the array (swap with front)
# Repeat Steps 1&2, but ignoring the sorted front
* [http://www.cs.oswego.edu/~mohammad/classes/csc241/samples/sort/Sort2-E.html Selection Sort Animation]
* [http://www.cs.ust.hk/faculty/tcpong/cs102/summer96/aids/select.html Another Selection Sort Animation]
* [http://math.hws.edu/TMCM/java/xSortLab/ Sorting Animations]
* Download [[Media:SelectionSort.java]]
** Fill in the commented parts of the SelectionSort.java file. Where there is a comment, you need to write code.
== Friday (9/24/10) ==
* You will be creating a user interface menu for use with your AddressBook
* Open / create your AddressBook's main method
* Inside the main method, create an AddressBook variable:
<source lang="java">
AddressBook book = new AddressBook();
* Print out a message that explains the program (e.g. "Welcome to YOUR_NAME's address book!")
* Print out a menu with the following options:
(a)dd to address book
(f)ind a Contact
(p)rint address book
What would you like to do?
* You should prompt for input after the menu is printed.  Review [[Media:JavaIOExample.java]] for examples of input/output
*# Add '''import java.io.*;''' at the very top
*# Add '''private static BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( System.in ) );''' before main()
*# Add '''throws IOException''' so that main() reads like '''public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException'''
*# You may now use '''stdin.readLine();''' to read in a String
*# To compare Strings, use .equals() like so: '''myStr.equals("a")'''
* If the user inputs 'a', then print a message that says "USER SELECTED ADD"
* If the user inputs 'f', then print a message that says "USER SELECTED FIND"
* If the user inputs 'p', then print a message that says "USER SELECTED PRINT"
* If the user inputs 'q', then print a message that says "USER SELECTED QUIT"
* Complete [[AddressBook class lab assignment]]
* Create the '''Contact remove(String fn, String ln)''' method for the AddressBook
*# Using a for loop, find the Contact that matches fn and ln, and save it in a variable
*# Once you have found the Contact, you should remember its index (location) in the array
*# Check if the Contact was found in the array
*## If it was found, you must use a loop to shift all the array elements down one index
*## HINT: myContacts[i] = myContacts[i+1] //where i is a loop counter
*# Be sure to set the last element to null (so that there isn't a duplicate Contact in the end)
*#* HINT: myContacts[size-1] = null;
*# Decrement size
*# Return the removed Contact
* Demo all assignments
* Install the [http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk6-jsp-136632.html Java JDK] on your computer (be sure to choose your corresponding operator system)
* Install [http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-classic-360/heliosr Eclipse Classic] on your computer (be sure to choose your corresponding operator system on the right)
* Test it out, and let Mr. Bui know if you run into problems
== Wednesday (9/22/10) ==
* Begin working on the [[AddressBook class lab assignment]]
* Demo ArrayPractices and any other assignments
* [[AddressBook class lab assignment]]
== Monday (9/20/10) ==
* Demo [[Person class lab assignment]]
* Demo [[Car class lab assignment]]
* Demo [[Contact class lab assignment]]
* Review Arrays
** [[Media:IntroArrays.ppt]]
* Array practice activities
*# Create a new Java class named ArrayPractice1.  Create an array of 10 Strings (Use names of students in the room).  Using a for loop, print out all the Strings in the array.
*# Create a new Java class named ArrayPractice2.  Create an array of 10 integers (make a bunch of numbers up).  Using a for loop and an if statement, print print out only numbers greater than 10.
*# Create a new Java class named ArrayPractice3.  Create an array of 10 integers.  Using a for loop, calculate the sum and average.
* [[AddressBook class lab assignment]]
* Install the [http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk6-jsp-136632.html Java JDK] on your computer (be sure to choose your corresponding operator system)
* Install [http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-classic-360/heliosr Eclipse Classic] on your computer (be sure to choose your corresponding operator system on the right)
* Test it out, and let Mr. Bui know if you run into problems
== Thursday (9/16/10) ==
* Be sure you have completed the [[Person class lab assignment]]
* If you have *not* completed it, then finish it for your warmup
* If you have already completed, then try the following warmup:
*# Review [[Media:JavaIOExample.java]]
*# In your Warmups project in Eclipse, create a new Java class named Warmup_9_16_10
*# Prompt the user for an int
*# Using an if statement, print out whether or not the user's number is positive or negative
* toString() methods
* Demo [[Person class lab assignment]]
* Demo [[Car class lab assignment]]
* Demo [[Contact class lab assignment]]
== Tuesday (9/14/10) ==
* Open Eclipse
* Create a new project named Warmups
* Create a new Java filed name Warmup9_14_10 (be sure to include the public static void main())
* Write a for loop that prints out all the even numbers from 100 DOWN to 0
* Create a new project named ClassesReview
* Create a new Java class named Circle
* Complete the Circle class with the following methods (You may use the auto-generating setter/getter feature!):
** Circle()
** getRadius()
** setRadius()
** getDiameter()
** getArea()
* Download [[Media:CircleMain.java]] to the src folder in your ClassesReview project (OR download and then import it through Eclipse)
* [[Person class lab assignment]]
* [[Car class lab assignment]]
* [[Contact class lab assignment]]
* Install the [http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk6-jsp-136632.html Java JDK] on your computer (be sure to choose your corresponding operator system)
* Install [http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-classic-360/heliosr Eclipse Classic] on your computer (be sure to choose your corresponding operator system on the right)
* Test it out, and let Mr. Bui know if you run into problems
== Friday (9/10/10) ==
* Cram for Software Development Quiz
* Turn in any signed syllabi sheets
* Software Development Quiz
* Introduction to Eclipse/BlueJ/JEdit?
* Java Review...uh oh!
** semicolons!
** public static void main( String [] args );
** Hello, world! - printing / outputting to screen
** Prompting for input
** if statements
** while loops
** for loops
** classes, attributes, setters, & getters!
* Install the [http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk6-jsp-136632.html Java JDK] on your computer (be sure to choose your corresponding operator system)
* Install [http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-classic-360/heliosr Eclipse Classic] on your computer (be sure to choose your corresponding operator system on the right)
* Test it out, and let Mr. Bui know if you run into problems
== Wednesday (9/8/09) ==
* List as many different places and/or ways to obtain information during the problem analysis phase of any project
* Turn in [[IBCS2 Summer Assignment]]
* Name cards
* Complete the [http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?key=p6_k1SMbS2zvMHJNJBBkFPA student survey]
* Introduction to Software Development
** [[Media:SoftwareDevelopment.ppt]]
* Software Development Quiz on Friday (9/10/10)
== Tuesday (9/7/09) ==
* Introductions
* Turn in [[IBCS2 Summer Assignment]]
* [[IB Computer Science II Syllabus]]
* Lab setup/config
** Login username is your first initial and lastname (e.g. pbui)
** Your password is your student ID number
** Go to System -> Preferences -> About Me -> Change Password
== Summer ==
* [[IBCS2 Summer Assignment]]

Latest revision as of 08:28, 13 September 2023