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== Thursday (11/1/18) ==
== [[IBCS2 - Archives]] ==
* Turn in Group 4 Project Permission slip
* Turn in Dual Enrollment form
* Complete Poker Hand Methods w/ arrays
** NOTE: If you want to check if two strings match (e.g. String s and String s2) you must use s.equals(s2)
* Create your own test cases...try to use multiple test per method
* Here is a [https://docs.google.com/document/d/13zszogl61lWLjLoY8z_UPkiWlpvUgtUHd2eNCRf9sbI/edit?usp=sharing list of cards] and the integer values to create them
== Tuesday (10/30/18) ==
* Turn in Group 4 Project Permission slip
* Turn in Dual Enrollment form
* Create a demonstration program for your sort() and shuffle() methods
* Poker Hand Methods w/ arrays
** int getHighCardValue(Card[] cards)
*** returns the value of the highest Card (Hint: Use find maximum algorithm)
** boolean checkPair(Card[] cards)
*** returns true if any two Cards have the same value, false otherwise
*** You may want to sort the cards before you look for a pair of matching cards
** boolean checkTwoPair(Card[] cards)
*** returns true if there are two pairs of Cards have the same value, false otherwise
*** You may want to sort the cards before you look for two pair
** boolean checkThreeOfAKind(Card[] cards)
*** returns true if there are three Cards have the same value, false otherwise
*** You may want to sort the cards before you look for three of a kind
** Continue implementing boolean check methods for the other poker hands:
*** straight, flush, full house, four of a kind, straight flush, royal flush
*** Hint: You can actually use some method calls to the other methods in several of the method definitions (e.g. You can call checkStraight() and checkFlush() to make checkStraightFlush() easier)
== Friday (10/26/18) ==
* Group 4 Project permission slips!
* Check if you have NetBeans and JGrasp installed...we will be starting to use them more
* Complete [[Card class lab assignment]] (tests can be found via repl.it)
* Class Construction Quiz
* Intro Poker Hand Methods
** int getHighCardValue(Card c0, Card c1, Card c2, Card, c3, Card c4)
*** returns the value of the highest Card
** Do not continue with the other poker hand methods like above b/c we will be making new versions using arrays!
* Introduction to Arrays of Objects
** Walkthrough -- take notes!  Pay attention!
* Basic Card[] methods - implement the following, test, and demo for credit
** void printCards(Card[] cards) - we will do this one together
*** Use a for loop to iterate through all the cards, and print them to the screen
** void shuffle(Card[] cards)
**# Write a for loop that runs a bunch of times (e.g. 10000)
**# Generate two random numbers from 0 to the length of cards
**# Swap the cards at the locations of the two random numbers
** void sort(Card[] cards)
*** Implement either selection sort or bubble sort to sort your Card[] array.  You can literally copy and paste your sorting code from before, and then tweak it to use the value of the cards (i.e. getValue())
*** You should be able to test your code by generating a bunch of cards, sorting it, and then printing it out.  They should display in order of value.
* Implement the sort() and shuffle() methods for Card[]
== Wednesday (10/24/18) ==
* Make sure you've completed all the class construction assignments in Repl.it
* Make sure you've installed NetBeans
* [[Card class lab assignment]]
* We will create poker hand methods to determine whether or not a Card[5] array contains a particular poker hand
* Quiz on Friday on class construction
** How do you study for this quiz?  Do all the class construction homework...duh
== Monday (10/22/18) ==
* Complete Point class assignment in repl.it
* [[Car class lab assignment]] - submit for testing in repl.it
* [[Vector class lab assignment]] - submit for testing in repl.it
== Thursday (10/18/18) ==
* Go to your App Catalog and look for NetBeans -- is it there?
* Demo Mosaic and Pointilism assignment(s) today
* Java Objects Slides
** [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1hb_8wMUlQQl7W-JF2f3gax021yDHLkLENJYy0fUMGy8/edit?usp=sharing Classes (Java) slides]
** [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ks5B3fsnGCX_utk_Adxt1cQtPtUsNtNVENb9swCaHpo/edit?usp=sharing Object Usage (Java) slides]
** [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Vq2mTZRJIBkwpsHqFmKRICpUOoqOOSKSyRKWMGKZovY/edit?usp=sharing Object-Oriented Programming (Java) slides]
* Point class assignment - complete in NetBeans or repl.it (*must* submit to repl.it for auto-testing)
*# You will create two java files: '''Point.java''' and '''Main.java'''
*#* '''Point.java''' - the Point class definition will be here
*#* '''Main.java''' - only the main() method will be located here
*# Declare and initialize the following '''private''' attributes in the Point class
*#* double x = 0.0
*#* double y = 0.0
*# Define two Point() constructors:
*#* default constructor: Point()
*#* specific constructor Point(double newX, double newY)
*# Define the following '''public''' methods in the Point class
*#* double getX() - returns the x-coordinate
*#* double getY() - returns the y-coordinate
*#* void setX(double newX) - sets the x-coordinate to the new x-coordinate parameter
*#* void setY(double newY) - sets the y-coordinate to the new y-coordinate parameter
*#* String toString() - returns a String representation of the Point object
*# Go to your Main.java file to test out your Point class
*# In the main method, create several new instances of Point objects
*# Print out each of your Point objects
*# Define a static method in Main.java named '''double slope(Point p1, Point p2)''' - returns the slope between p1 and p2
*# Test and print out your slope method when you use it with your instantiated Point objects in the main() method
* More Java class assignments - complete in NetBeans or repl.it (*must* submit to repl.it for auto-testing)
** Mr. Bui is still in the process of creating the repl.it test cases
** [[Car class lab assignment]]
** [[Vector class lab assignment]]
== Tuesday (10/16/18) ==
* Creating a blank image and manipulating the pixels
*# Rotate 90 degrees clockwise
* Complete and demo the following image processing assignments:
*# Rotate 90 degrees clockwise of a non-square image (no animation needed)
*# Mosaic (no animation needed)
*## Take an image, sample every (10th row, 10th col) pixel's color
*## Draw a 10x10 square using the sampled pixel's color at ever 10th (x,y)
*## You should display both the original image and its mosaic
*# Pointilism Animation
*## This will be an animation
*## Within setup(), load an image, load its pixels, and turn off line strokes
*## Within draw(), generate a random index number from 0 to image's pixel length (use [https://processing.org/reference/random_.html random()])
*##* int rand = (int) random(0, img.pixels.length);
*## Sample the color of the pixel from the random index and fill with the color
*## Calculate the appropriate (x,y) from the random index (Hint: use modulus (%) for x and division (/) for y)
*## Draw the circle at its appropriate (x,y) using a random diameter from (5, 15)
* All of the image processing assignments are due Thursday (10/18/18)
== Tuesday - Friday (10/9/18 - 10/12/18) ==
* Demo [[Media:BubbleSort.java]]
* Algorithms Identification Quiz in Canvas
* Reference variables overview
* Two-Dimensional Arrays and Nested Loops
*# Accessing all of the individual elements of a two-dimensional list
*# Prompt the user to construct a two-dimensional list
*## Prompt for the number of rows
*## Prompt for the number of columns
*## Prompt the user for each number in the two-dimensional list
*# Write a method: '''void matrixPrint(int[][] m)'''
*#* Print each row on a separate line, and each element should be separated by a space
*#* Complete the method in repl.it
*# Write a method (function): '''double[][] matrixAdd(double[][] m1, double[][] m2)''' that returns a new matrix that is the sum of m1 and m2
*#* Be sure to check if the two matrices are the same size (if not, then return null)
* Nested Loops, Processing & Images
** Processing coordinate system review (print mouse coordinates)
** Processing PImage object practice
** [https://www.processing.org/tutorials/pixels/ Processing: Images & Pixels Tutorial]
** As a class, we'll walk through several of the examples from the tutorial above, and we'll modify each slightly
* Image Processing Exercises?
*# Convert to black and white
*# Rotate image 90 degrees
*# Flip vertical
*# Flip horizontal
*# Pointilism
*# Mosaic
*# Edge detection?
'''Homework Challenge:'''
* Try to complete the rotate 90 degrees image challenge
== Thursday (10/4/18) ==
* Make sure you've completed Selection Sort in repl.it
** Mr. Bui will be manually looking at your repl.it submissions too
* Take the Sorting Identification Quiz in Canvas
** The access code is ...
* Bubble sort review
* Complete and demo [[Media:BubbleSort.java]]
== Tuesday (10/2/18) ==
* Take the Abstract Data Structures Pre-assessment on Canvas
** Do not guess answers, skip them if you do not know the answer
* Complete the Find Minimum & Maximum repl.it
* Group sorting activity
*# Form 3-4 person groups
*# Receive playing cards
*# With your group, document an algorithm (steps) of how you sort the cards out
* Introduction to Sorting
** [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Y5JOINM2w744nqimZf2iVuFpi6N6gM2B7GM4ArGjChQ/edit?usp=sharing Sorting slides]
* Selection sort assignment in repl.it
== Archives ==
* [[IBCS2 - 1819 - September]]
* [[IBCS2 Summer Assignment]]
* [[IBCS2 - 1718]]

Latest revision as of 08:28, 13 September 2023