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== Tuesday (11/24/09) ==
* Dossier - Data Structures
* [[Media:CriterionB1_dataStructures.doc]]
* Demo your LinkedList AddressBook
* Create 3 new classes called ContactBinaryTreeNode, ContactBinaryTree, and ContactBTTestMain
** [[Media:BinaryTreeNode.java]]
** [[Media:BinaryTree.java]]
** [[Media:BinaryTreeTestMain.java]]
* Convert the 3 given binary tree classes to use Contacts instead of ints
* Create and demo a BinaryTreeAddressBook
* Demo BinaryTreeAddressBook - due (Tuesday 12/1/09)
* Dossier - Data Structures rough draft - due (Thursday 12/3/09)
== Friday (11/20/09) ==
* Demo your LinkedList AddressBook.  It should be able to do the following:
** add a Contact
** print list of Contacts
** find a Contact
** sort list of Contacts
* Re-Introduction to Binary Tree
** [[Media:BinaryTreeNode.java]]
** [[Media:BinaryTree.java]]
** [[Media:BinaryTreeTestMain.java]]
* Create 3 new classes called ContactBTNode, ContactBinaryTree, and ContactBTTestMain
* Convert the 3 given binary tree classes to use Contacts instead of ints
== Wednesday (11/18/09) ==
* What is the algorithm for a linear search?
* What is the algorithm for a selection sort?
* What is the algorithm for a bubble sort?
* int find(String fn, String ln) in the ContactLinkedList
** Add the find() option to your AddressBookMain and AddressBook
** find() in the AddressBook should use the ContactLinkedList's find() and then ContactLinkedList's getContact()
* void selectionSort() in the ContactLinkedList
* You should move the bubbleSort() into the ContactLinkedList and complete the method yourself
* Removing a Contact
** Add a remove option to your AddressBookMain
** Create a remove(String fn, String ln) method in your AddressBook
** In the method, use the ContactLinkedList's find() method to get the index of the Contact
** Check if the index is valid (not the error code), and if so, then use the ContactLinkedList's remove() method using that index
* Demo a completely working AddressBook
== Monday (11/16/09) ==
* Open your Contact class and review the code
* Contact class review as a class
* Create a new class from your Node class and called ContactNode
** Do this as a class...quickly
* Create a new class called ContactLinkedList
** Do this as a class...quickly
* Convert your LinkedList to use ContactNode and call it ContactLinkedList
** Go through one or two examples as a class
* Be sure to test your ContactLinkedList
* AddressBook class review as a class
* Convert your AddressBook to use ContactLinkedList instead of an array
** Comment out the parts for find(), selectionSort(), and bubbleSort().  We will convert these later
** Be sure to test your AddressBook with LOTS of contacts
* Complete the AddressBook conversion over to ContactLinkedList by Wednesday (11/18/09)
* Be ready to demo your AddressBookMain
== Thursday (11/12/09) ==
* Abstract data types review
* Introduction to Binary Tree
** [[Media:BinaryTreeNode.java]]
** [[Media:BinaryTree.java]]
** [[Media:BinaryTreeTestMain.java]]
* Demo your LinkedList
* Contact class review
* Create a new class from your Node class and called ContactNode
* Create a new class called ContactLinkedList
* Convert your LinkedList to use ContactNode and call it ContactLinkedList
* Be sure to test your ContactLinkedList
* AddressBook class review
* Convert your AddressBook to use ContactLinkedList instead of array
** Comment out the methods for find(), selectionSort(), and bubbleSort().  We will convert these later
** Be sure to test your AddressBook with LOTS of contacts
== Monday (11/9/09) ==
* Turn in homework
* Demo DynamicQueue
* Introduction to Linked Lists
** [[Media:LinkedList.java]]
** Attributes: head, tail, size
** Constructors: default
** Methods:
*** isEmpty() - returns true if the LinkedList is empty, and false otherwise
*** void add(int num) - adds a new Node with num at the end of the LinkedList
*** void add(int num, int index) - adds a new Node with num at the index specified
**** There are FIVE different scenarios when you add a Node
**** DRAW the before-and-after pictures for all FIVE secenarios
*** int remove(int index) - removes the index-th Node and returns its data
**** There are SIX different scenarios when you remove a Node
*** print() - traverses the LinkedList and prints out each Node's data
** Create a main method to test out all the methods and scenarios of LinedList
* Complete the LinkedList class and all its methods by the beginning of class on Thursday (11/12/09)
* Mr. Bui will give you his LinkedListMain on Thursday to test
== Thursday (11/5/09) ==
* Draw the before-and-after pictures for adding a Node to an empty Queue (be sure to use head and tail!)
* Draw the before and after pictures for adding a Node to a non-empty Queue
* Draw the before-and-after pictures for removing a Node from an empty Queue
* Draw the before and after pictures for removing a Node from a non-empty Queue
* Return 1st Quarter Exams
* Dynamically-sized Queues
** Create a new class called DynamicQueue
*** [[Media:DynamicQueue.java]]
** Test out your DynamicQueue using the original QueueMain file
* Introduction to Linked Lists
** [[Media:LinkedList.java]]
** Attributes: head, tail, size
** Constructors: default
** Methods:
*** isEmpty() - returns true if the LinkedList is empty, and false otherwise
*** void add(int num) - adds a new Node with num at the end of the LinkedList
*** void add(int num, int index) - adds a new Node with num at the index specified
**** There are FIVE different scenarios when you add a Node
**** DRAW the before-and-after pictures for all FIVE secenarios
*** int remove(int index) - removes the index-th Node and returns its data
**** There are SIX different scenarios when you remove a Node
*** print() - traverses the LinkedList and prints out each Node's data
* Complete DynamicQueue!
* Draw the before-and-after diagrams (all SIX scenarios) for the LinkedList's remove() method
== Monday (11/2/09) ==
* Assume that you have allocated memory for a new int array of 10000 elements.  An int is 32-bits in size, and there are 8-bits in 1 byte.  How many bytes of memory are you taking up?
* If there are 1024 bytes in a kilobyte, how many kilobytes are you taking up?
* Dynamically-sized Stacks
** Create a new class called DynamicStack
*** [[Media:DynamicStack.java]]
** What attribute must we keep track of when we talk about stacks?
** Create a Node reference for the most important stack attribute
** Implement push(int num) using Nodes.
*** push() should not return anything
*** push() creates a new Node with the num, and set the new Node's next reference to the top
*** Don't forget to update the top to be the new node!
** Implement pop(), which should POP and return the value on top of the stack and update the top
** Implement top(), which should just return the value on top of the stack
** Implement isEmpty() which returns true if the stack is empty
** Implement print() which should print your entire stack
== Archives ==
* [[IBCS2 - May]]
* [[IBCS2 - April]]
* [[IBCS2 - March]]
* [[IBCS2 - February]]
* [[IBCS2 - January]]
* [[IBCS2 - December]]
* [[IBCS2 - November]]
* [[IBCS2 - October]]
* [[IBCS2 - September]]

Latest revision as of 16:27, 3 September 2010