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== Thursday (12/17/09) ==
* [[Big O Practice Problems]]
* Binary Quiz!
* Dossier progress check!
* LLAddressBook? BTAddressBook?
* Dossier - Algorithms
** [[Media:CriterionB2_algorithms.doc]]
* Work on dossier!
== Tuesday (12/15/09) ==
* LLAddressBook? BTAddressBook?
* Makeup Software Development Quiz
* Algorithm Evaluation - Big O! - [[Media:AlgorithmEvaluation.ppt]]
* Introduction to Binary - [[Media:Binary.ppt]]
* Introduction to Binary #2 - [[Media:Binary2.ppt]]
* Binary Games
** [http://britton.disted.camosun.bc.ca/binary.swf Binary Game #1]
** [http://forums.cisco.com/CertCom/game/binary_game_page.htm Binary Game #2]
* Binary Quiz on Thursday (12/17/09)
* Dossier Progress Check on Thursday (12/17/09)
** You will demo / present completion of the following components in your dossier:
*** Basic container class (e.g. Contact)
*** Node class (e.g. ContactLLNode or ContactBTNode)
*** Partial completion of your major data structure (e.g. ContactLL or ContactBT)
== Friday (12/11/09) ==
* Finish cramming for software development quiz
* Software Development Quiz!  Yay!
== Wednesday (12/9/09) ==
* List the stages of the software development life cycle
* List 3 different methods of data collection for the Analysis stage
* Proper coding style
** Program header at the very top
*** the program name
*** author, date, school
*** computer used, IDE used, purpose
** Proper indentation
** Proper line-wrapping (how to deal with LONG lines of code)
* Demo missing work
* Recursion Review
** [[Media:Recursion.ppt]]
* Software systems life cycle & software development
** [[Media:SoftwareDevelopment.ppt]]
* Work on the programming for your dossier
* Software development quiz on Friday (12/11/09)
== Monday (12/7/09) ==
* Illustrate the binary tree that is created when you insert the following values:
** 24, 75, 4, 12, 98, 33, 0
* Illustrate the binary tree that is created when you insert the following values:
** Newman, Braden, Hines, Rawoot, Whelan, Luoma-Overstreet, Anderson, Apseloff
* Demo missing work
* Software systems life cycle & software development
** [[Media:SoftwareDevelopment.ppt]]
* Work on the programming for your dossier
* Software development quiz on Friday (12/11/09)
== Tuesday - Thursday (12/1/09 - 12/3/09) ==
* Prepare to demo your BTAddressBook
* BTAddressBook demos
* Recursion Review
** [[Media:Recursion.ppt]]
* Dossier Review - Data Structures section
* Dossier Programming - use this time in class to begin programming the classes you will use in your dossier
** Create your basic container classes (e.g. Person, Schedule, Book, Order, Ticket, etc.).  They should contain the following:
*** private attributes
*** default constructor
*** specific constructor
*** setters
*** getters
** Create any classes that may contain these other classes (e.g. Library, AddressBook, etc.)
** Using your prototype solution as a guide, you should begin creating the main menu system for your dossier.
* Dossier - Data Structures rough draft - due (Thursday 12/3/09)
== Archives ==
* [[IBCS2 - May]]
* [[IBCS2 - April]]
* [[IBCS2 - March]]
* [[IBCS2 - February]]
* [[IBCS2 - January]]
* [[IBCS2 - December]]
* [[IBCS2 - November]]
* [[IBCS2 - October]]
* [[IBCS2 - September]]

Latest revision as of 16:27, 3 September 2010