IBCS2 - 0809 - November


Tuesday (11/25/08)

  • Holiday Assembly

Monday (11/24/08)


  • Which of the trees is invalid? Why?
  • Identify the root node in the binary tree on the board
  • Identify all the parents and their children in the binary tree on the board
  • Identify all the leaves in the binary tree on the board


  • Introduction to Binary Trees
  • BTNode class - the node class for a binary tree of numbers
    • What attributes should we have in our BTNode?
    • What methods should we have in our BTNode?
  • BinaryTree class
  • Introduction to Recursion

Friday (11/21/08)

  • Implement BubbleSort in your CLinkedList
    • NOTE: The inner loop of BubbleSort should traverse the list from head down to tail
  • Print out your CLinkedList search(find) and sorting (selectionSort() and bubbleSort() methods
  • Introduction to Binary Trees

Monday - Thursday (11/17/08 - 11/20/08)


  • Create a new Java file named AddressBookMainWarmup with a main method
  • In the main method, do the following:
    1. Create a new instance of AddressBook named myBook
    2. Using a for loop, create new Contacts named a0, a1, a2, ... , a99, and add them to your AddressBook
    3. Remove the Contact at index 99
    4. Remove the Contact at index 0
    5. Using a for loop, remove the Contacts from indexes 5 through 20
    6. Print out all the contacts in your AddressBook using the AddressBook print()


  • Demo your AddressBook that uses a CLinkedList
  • LinkedList Search - Implement inside CLinkedList as: Contact find(String firstName, String lastName)
    • Traverses the LinkedList and checks if the Contact at the current ContactNode matches the same first name and last name that you are looking for
    • If it finds your Contact, then return the Contact, otherwise, return null
  • LinkedList SelectionSort - Implement inside CLinkedList as: void selectionSort()
    • Uses the selection sort algorithm to sort the CLinkedList
    • Traversing the CLinkedList uses the same algorithm as print() and find()
    • You should be comparing the first and last names of the Contact
    • When swapping data (minimum swapped with front), you should swap the Contact objects

Friday (11/14/08)

  • By the end of today, you should be able to demo an AddressBook that uses a LinkedList
  • Be sure to comment out the find(), selectionSort(), and bubbleSort() methods in your AddressBook class

Wednesday (11/12/08)

  • Demo your LinkedList class
  • Contact class review
  • Create a new class from your Node class and called ContactNode
  • Create a new class called ContactLinkedList
  • Convert your LinkedList to use ContactNode and call it ContactLinkedList
  • Be sure to test your ContactLinkedList
  • AddressBook class review
  • Convert your AddressBook to use ContactLinkedList instead of array
    • Comment out the methods for find(), selectionSort(), and bubbleSort(). We will convert these later
    • Be sure to test your AddressBook with LOTS of contacts

Thursday - Friday (11/6/08 - 11/7/08)

  • Show Mr. Bui your Queue before-and-after diagrams
  • LinkedLists cont'd
    • Attributes: head, tail, size
    • Constructors: default
    • Methods:
      • isEmpty() - returns true if the LinkedList is empty, and false otherwise
      • void add(int num) - adds a new Node with num at the end of the LinkedList
      • int remove(int index) - removes the index-th Node and returns its data
        • There are SIX different scenarios when you remove a Node
      • void add(int num, int index)
        • There are FIVE different scenarios when you add a Node
        • DRAW the before-and-after pictures for all FIVE secenarios
      • print() - traverses the LinkedList and prints out each Node's data
  • Media:LinkedList.java
  • LinkedListTestMain - create as a class

Wednesday (11/5/08)

  • Print out your DynamicQueue.java -- I will grade them by hand
  • Introduction to LinkedLists
    • Attributes: head, tail, size
    • Constructors: default
    • Methods:
      • isEmpty() - returns true if the LinkedList is empty, and false otherwise
      • void add(int num) - adds a new Node with num at the end of the LinkedList
      • int remove(int index) - removes the index-th Node and returns its data
        • There are SIX different scenarios when you remove a Node
      • void add(int num, int index)
        • There are FIVE different scenarios when you add a Node
        • DRAW the before-and-after pictures for all FIVE secenarios
      • print() - traverses the LinkedList and prints out each Node's data
  • Homework: Draw the before-and-after diagrams for the remove() method

Monday (11/3/08)


  • On a separate sheep of paper, please answer the following questions:
    • In a dynamically-sized queue's isEmpty() method, what are the two different cases or scenarios that you check for?
    • In a dynamically-sized queue's add() method, what are the two different cases or scenarios?
      • Draw the before and after picture of each of the two scenarios.
    • In a dynamically-sized queue's remove() method, what are the two different cases or scenarios?
      • Draw the before and after picture of each of the two scenarios.


  • Secret ballot - Have you installed and used Java or JCreator on your computer at home?
  • Demo DynamicQueues
  • Introduction to Linked Lists
