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== Thursday - Monday (1/21/10 - 1/25/10) ==
* My first custom game
*# Use the template for a basic game (begin_graphics(), while loop, etc)
*# Add a school-appropriate image of your choice and make it move around the screen using the keyboard
*# Add 3 items on the screen that can be collected
*# There should be a label at the top of the screen that displays the number of items collected
*# Add 3 mines on the screen that end the game if the player hits them
* [[Item collection game]]
* [[Robot game]]
== Wednesday (1/20/10) ==
* Go over 2nd quarter exam
== Thursday - Friday (1/14/10 - 1/15/10) ==
* Using google chrome, visit the [https://www.arlingtonva.us/departments/treasurer/forms/DecalVote10_11.asp Vehicle Decal Vote]
* Complete Pong
== Tuesday - Wednesday (1/12/10 - 1/13/10) ==
* 2nd Quarter Exam
== Thursday - Monday (1/7/10 - 1/11/10) ==
* 2nd Quarter Exam will be next Tuesday (1/12/10)
* 2nd Quarter Exam Review
** [[Media:2ndQExamReview.txt]]
* Complete Pong
== Monday - Wednesday (1/4/10 - 1/6/10) ==
* In three words, summarize your winter break
* 2nd Quarter Exam will be next Tuesday (1/12/10)
* If-statement review
*# Prompt the user to enter a username and store it in a variable named '''username'''
*# Prompt the user to enter a password and store it in a variable named '''password'''
*# Using an if-statement, check if the username equals "admin" '''and''' the password equals a password of your choosing
*# If the login is successful, then print that the "You have successfully logged in"
*# If the login fails, then print "Authentication failure!"
* While statement
*# Practice: Write a loop that prints out 1 through 5
*# Write a while loop that runs exactly 5 times, each time the loop runs, print out "Login Trial #N" where N is the loop counter
*# Take the if-statement code and put it inside the loop
*# If the user successfully logs in, then also '''break''' out of the loop using the '''break''' keyword
* strings
* Case Study: Catch review
* Using your own images
* Using your own sounds
* Complete your Pong program
== Archives ==
* [[IBCS1 - May]]
* [[IBCS1 - April]]
* [[IBCS1 - March]]
* [[IBCS1 - February]]
* [[IBCS1 - January]]
* [[IBCS1 - December]]
* [[IBCS1 - November]]
* [[IBCS1 - October]]
* [[IBCS1 - September]]

Latest revision as of 15:48, 3 September 2010