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== Wednesday (1/6/10) ==
#REDIRECT [[Computer Science]]
* 2nd Quarter Exam will be on Friday (1/8/10)
* 2nd Quarter Exam Review
* functions
* if statements
** comparison operators
*** ==
*** !=
*** <
*** >
*** <=
*** >=
** Boolean operators
*** and
*** or
* while loops
** sequences
* Demo all of the following assignments:
** [[Guessing Game Assignment]]
** [[Print Shapes Exercises]]
** [[Printing Initials Assignment]]
** [[Looping Exercises]]
== Monday (1/4/10) ==
* In three words, summarize your winter break
* 2nd Quarter Exam will be on Friday (1/8/10)
* If-statement review
*# Prompt the user to enter a username and store it in a variable named '''username'''
*# Prompt the user to enter a password and store it in a variable named '''password'''
*# Using an if-statement, check if the username equals "admin" '''and''' the password equals a password of your choosing
*# If the login is successful, then print that the "You have successfully logged in"
*# If the login fails, then print "Authentication failure!"
* While statement
*# Practice: Write a loop that prints out 1 through 5
*# Write a while loop that runs exactly 5 times, each time the loop runs, print out "Login Trial #N" where N is the loop counter
*# Take the if-statement code and put it inside the loop
*# If the user successfully logs in, then also '''break''' out of the loop using the '''break''' keyword
* Demo all of the following assignments:
** [[Guessing Game Assignment]]
** [[Print Shapes Exercises]]
** [[Printing Initials Assignment]]
** [[Looping Exercises]]
== Monday - Friday (12/21/09 - 1/1/10) ==
* Winter Break
== Wednesday - Friday (12/16/09 - 12/18/09) ==
* Write a while loop that goes from 0 up to but not including 100 (do not print!)
* Inside the loop, use an '''if-statement''' to check if the '''loop counter variable''' is greater than 35 and less than 65.  If so, then print the variable
* [[Guessing Game Assignment]]
* [[Print Shapes Exercises]]
* [[Printing Initials Assignment]]
* [[Looping Exercises]]
== Monday (12/14/09) ==
* Write a loop that prints out the first 50 odd numbers
* [[Guessing Game Assignment]]
* [[Print Shapes Exercises]]
* [[Printing Initials Assignment]]
* [[Looping Exercises]]
== Tuesday - Thursday (12/8/09 - 12/10/09) ==
* Complete the [http://www.speakup4schools.org/speakup2009/LookupBuilding.aspx Speak Up Survey]
** Secret password: arlington08
* Introduction to Iteration
* Exercise 1
** Write a loop that displays the numbers from 1 through 12
* Exercise 2
** Write a loop that displays the numbers from 100 down to 50
* Exercise 3
** Write a loop that prints "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" 1000 times
* Exercise 4
** Write a loop that adds up all the numbers from 1 to 10 and displays the result
* [[Guessing Game Assignment]]
* [[Print Shapes Exercises]]
* [[Printing Initials Assignment]]
* [[Looping Exercises]]
== Wednesday - Friday (12/2/09 - 12/4/09) ==
* [[MPAA calculator assignment]]
* [[Geek Flow Chart Assignment]]
* Work through HTTLACS: Ch 5 and by work through, Mr. Bui means that you should try out all the code.
* Complete the HTTLACS: Ch 5 exercises and demo them
* [[Guessing Game Assignment]]
* [[Print Shapes Exercises]]
* [[Printing Initials Assignment]]
* [[Looping Exercises]]
== Monday (11/30/09) ==
* [[MPAA calculator assignment]]
* [[Geek Flow Chart Assignment]]
* Work through HTTLACS: Ch 5 and by work through, Mr. Bui means that you should try out all the code.
* Complete the HTTLACS: Ch 5 exercises and demo them
* Introduction to Iteration
** Complete HTTLACS: Ch 6 exercises #1-5 - DO NOT submit to SchoolWebLockers
* Practice Exercise #1
** Prompt the user two choices: odd or even
*** Example: Would you like odd/even?
** Prompt the user for a number and store it in a variable n
** If the user chooses odd, then print out the first n odd numbers (starting at 1) using a loop
** If the user chooses even, then print out the first n even numbers (starting at 0) using a loop
* Practice Exercise #2
** Print out all the numbers that are divisible by 6 from 0 through 100
* [[Guessing Game Assignment]]
== Monday (11/23/09) ==
* Take out a sheet of paper and draw a coordinate plane with x and y axes.
* The x-axis should go from 0 to 640
* The y-axis should go from 0 to 480
* Draw the turkey on the board or something like it
* Estimate the major points (x,y) for the turkey
* Introduction to GASP
** Walk through the GASP example
* Draw the turkey using the GASP functions
== Thursday (11/19/09) ==
* Regular - Define a function named giveMeFive() that returns the value 5
* IB - Begin looking over Ch 6
* [[MPAA calculator assignment]]
* [[Geek Flow Chart Assignment]]
* Work through HTTLACS: Ch 5 and by work through, Mr. Bui means that you should try out all the code.
* Complete the HTTLACS: Ch 5 exercises and demo them
* Introduction to Iteration
** Complete HTTLACS: Ch 6 exercises #1-5 - DO NOT submit to SchoolWebLockers
* Practice Exercise #1
** Prompt the user two choices: odd or even
*** Example: Would you like odd/even?
** Prompt the user for a number and store it in a variable n
** If the user chooses odd, then print out the first n odd numbers (starting at 1) using a loop
** If the user chooses even, then print out the first n even numbers (starting at 0) using a loop
* Practice Exercise #2
** Print out all the numbers that are divisible by 6 from 0 through 100
* [[Guessing Game Assignment]]
== Tuesday (11/17/09) ==
* Complete the HTTLACS: Chapter 4 Exercises #1-5 and upload to SchoolWebLockers.  This should be done NOW.
* [[MPAA calculator assignment]]
* [[Geek Flow Chart Assignment]]
* Work through HTTLACS: Ch 5 and by work through, Mr. Bui means that you should try out all the code.
* Complete the HTTLACS: Ch 5 exercises and demo them
* Work through HTTLACS: Ch 5 and by work through, Mr. Bui means that you should try out all the code.
* Complete the HTTLACS: Ch 5 exercises and demo them
* Introduction to Iteration
** Complete HTTLACS: Ch 6 exercises #1-5 - DO NOT submit to SchoolWebLockers
* Practice Exercise #1
** Prompt the user two choices: odd or even
*** Example: Would you like odd/even?
** Prompt the user for a number and store it in a variable n
** If the user chooses odd, then print out the first n odd numbers (starting at 1) using a loop
** If the user chooses even, then print out the first n even numbers (starting at 0) using a loop
* Practice Exercise #2
** Print out all the numbers that are divisible by 6 from 0 through 100
* [[Guessing Game Assignment]]
== Friday (11/13/09) ==
* The lab has been fixed.  Fix your preferences and bookmark the class website.
* Complete the HTTLACS: Chapter 4 Exercises #1-5 and upload to SchoolWebLockers.  This should be done NOW.
* [[MPAA calculator assignment]]
* [[Geek Flow Chart Assignment]]
* Work through HTTLACS: Ch 5 and by work through, Mr. Bui means that you should try out all the code.
* Complete the HTTLACS: Ch 5 exercises
== Tuesday (11/10/09) ==
* What do the following conditions evaluate to? (Hint: Remember how we use AND, OR, and NOT in English)
<source lang="Python">
True or False
False and False
True and False
not(True or False)
True or True
False and True
False or True
not(False) and True
not(True) or False
not(True) or True
* Complete the HTTLACS: Chapter 4 Exercises #1-5 and upload to SchoolWebLockers.  This should be done NOW.
* [[MPAA calculator assignment]]
* [[Geek Flow Chart Assignment]]
* Work through HTTLACS: Ch 5 and by work through, Mr. Bui means that you should try out all the code.
* Complete the HTTLACS: Ch 5 exercises
== Friday (11/6/09) ==
* What does the following code print?
<source lang="Python">
x = 9
y = 10
z = 4
if x < y:
  if z < 0:
    print "Washington"
    print "Lee"
  print "Generals"
* Complete the HTTLACS: Chapter 4 Exercises #1-5 and upload to SchoolWebLockers
* [[MPAA calculator assignment]]
* [[Geek Flow Chart Assignment]]
== Wednesday (11/4/09) ==
* Prompt the user for their grade (9-12)
* Check if they are in 9th grade, if so, then print "You are a freshman"
* Check if they are in 10th grade, if so, then print "You are a sophomore
* Check if they are in 11th grade, if so, then print "You are a junior"
* Check if they are in 12th grade, if so, then print "You are a senior"
* Complete the HTTLACS: Chapter 4 Exercises #1-5 and upload to SchoolWebLockers
* [[MPAA calculator assignment]]
* [[Geek Flow Chart Assignment]]
== Friday (10/30/09) ==
* Prompt the user for their age and store it in a variable
* Write an if-statement that checks the age variable to see if it is less than 18
** If the age is less than 18, then print "You are still a minor"
** else, print "The courts recognize you as an adult!...uh oh"
* Complete the HTTLACS: Chapter 4 Exercises #1-5 and upload to SchoolWebLockers
* [[MPAA calculator assignment]]
* Complete the HTTLACS: Chapter 4 Exercises #1-5 and upload to SchoolWebLockers
* [[MPAA calculator assignment]]
* [[Geek Flow Chart Assignment]]
== Wednesday (10/28/09) ==
* 1st Quarter Exam
* Complete the HTTLACS: Chapter 3 Exercises and upload to SchoolWebLockers
* Introduction to Python Conditionals (if-statement)
** [http://openbookproject.net/thinkcs/python/english2e/ch04.html How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Chapter 4]
** [[Media:BooleanLogic.ppt]]
* Complete the HTTLACS: Chapter 4 Exercises #1-5 and upload to SchoolWebLockers
* [[MPAA calculator assignment]]
* Complete the HTTLACS: Chapter 4 Exercises #1-5 and upload to SchoolWebLockers
* [[MPAA calculator assignment]]
* [[Geek Flow Chart Assignment]]
== Monday (10/26/09) ==
* 1st Quarter Exam Review
** HTTLACS: Ch 1-3
* [[Quadratic Formula Assignment]]
* [http://openbookproject.net/thinkcs/python/english2e/ch03.html How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Chapter 3]
* Complete the HTTLACS: Chapter 3 Exercises and upload to SchoolWebLockers
== Thursday (10/22/09) ==
* Define a function named timesFive(x) that takes one x parameter
* In the function body, have timesFive() print out the product of x times 5
* [[Quadratic Formula Assignment]]
* [http://openbookproject.net/thinkcs/python/english2e/ch03.html How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Chapter 3]
* Complete the HTTLACS: Chapter 3 Exercises and upload to SchoolWebLockers
== Tuesday (10/20/09) ==
* [[Quadratic Formula Assignment]]
* Introduction to Python Functions
* [http://openbookproject.net/thinkcs/python/english2e/ch03.html How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Chapter 3]
* Complete the HTTLACS: Chapter 3 Exercises and upload to SchoolWebLockers
== Thursday (10/16/09) ==
* Prompt the user for numerical input and store it in two variables: x and y
* Print the result of x to the y power (Hint: ** is used to take numbers to powers)
* [[Quadratic Formula Assignment]]
== Friday - Wednesday (10/9/09 - 10/14/09) ==
* Please complete this [https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dGx5Uy1JVGRXcDNJV0NHOEJvZ21vX2c6MA password request form]
* Create a python script that has three variables: month, day, and year
* Store your birthday in the aforementioned variables
* Print your birthday using the variables
* Your birthday should use the following format: M/D/Y
* Make sure that you have submitted in HTTLACS: Ch 1 & 2 Exercises via SchoolWebLockers
* User input!
** Let's add some user input to your warmup
** Instead of hard-coding the month, day, and year variables, prompt the user for input three times and store the user's input in the variables
* [[Quadratic Formula Assignment]]
== Monday - Wednesday (10/5/09 - 10/7/09) ==
* GvR Demo Steps 11-13
* [[GvR Steps 1-13 Quiz]]
* Introduction to Python
* [http://openbookproject.net/thinkcs/python/english2e/ch01.html How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Chapter 1]
* Complete the HTTLACS: Chapter 1 Exercises and upload to SchoolWebLockers
* [http://openbookproject.net/thinkcs/python/english2e/ch02.html HTTLACS: Ch 2]
* Complete the HTTLACS: Chapter 2 Exercises and upload to SchoolWebLockers
== Thursday (10/1/09) ==
* Review GvR Steps 1-13
* GvR Demo Steps 11-13
* [[GvR Steps 1-13 Quiz]]
* Continue with GvR Steps 14-17
* IB-paced students should go to [[IB Computer Science I]]
== Archives ==
* [[CS1 - June]]
* [[CS1 - May]]
* [[CS1 - April]]
* [[CS1 - March]]
* [[CS1 - February]]
* [[CS1 - January]]
* [[CS1 - December]]
* [[CS1 - November]]
* [[CS1 - October]]
* [[CS1 - September]]

Latest revision as of 11:13, 24 August 2010

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