AP Computer Science

Revision as of 08:17, 9 October 2018 by Admin (talk | contribs)

Tuesday (10/9/18)


Thursday (10/4/18)


  • Take the Strings + Conditionals Quiz in Canvas
  • Demo your first Processing drawing (it should also have your initials in the bottom right-hand corner)
  • Introduction to Methods
    • Intro to Processing methods
    • Method calls
    • Method parameters & arguments
      • Parameters are the variables in the method's definition header
      • Arguments are the values used in the method call
  • Tic-Tac-Toe Select-a-Square
    1. Setup your screen size to be a large square (e.g. 600x600)
    2. Within the draw() function, give the background a color()
    3. Draw tic-tac-toe lines on your screen (make sure that the rows and columns are exactly 1/3 the size of the height and width)
    4. Add conditional statements in the draw() function to detect which square you are in
      • You'll need to access the mouse's current coordinates with mouseX and mouseY variables
      • Draw a square of a different color inside the particular square that you are in
      • The effect that you will generate will look like it is highlighting the current square where the mouse is
    5. Challenge: Modify your code so that changing the screen size, will automatically be adjusted and accounted for by the rest of your code. Hint: use height and width variables
    6. Challenge2: Modify your code so that it works without any conditionals. Hint: Use division and multiplication

Tuesday (10/2/18)


  • Questions on Activity 6: Airline meals?
  • Processing
    1. Download Processing
    2. Drag-n-drop the program where you want to keep it
    3. Check out the Processing documentation
  • My First Processing Drawing
    1. Draw your initials in the bottom right-hand corner
    2. Use Processing and method calls to draw your favorite emoji, logo, cartoon character, etc.
