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== Monday (11/5/18) ==
== [[APCS - Archives]] ==
* Complete the Find Minimum & Maximum repl.it
* Group sorting activity
*# Form 3-4 person groups
*# Receive playing cards
*# With your group, document step-by-step an algorithm (steps) of how you sort the cards out
*# Every group will share their algorithm in class
* Introduction to Sorting
** [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Y5JOINM2w744nqimZf2iVuFpi6N6gM2B7GM4ArGjChQ/edit?usp=sharing Sorting slides]
* Complete Selection sort assignment in repl.it
== Thursday (11/1/18) ==
* While loops quiz
* [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1GLpwZbqLcyix2WHqS9lLJT3qCeIeWGQ9UDwr6f9VgoE/edit?usp=sharing Search slides]
** Linear Search
** Binary Search
* LS and BS assignments will be posted in Repl.it
* Complete LS and BS by Monday (11/5/18)
== Tuesday (10/30/18) ==
* Demo missing assignments
** Last assignment for quarter [[Looping Exercises]]
* [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1GLpwZbqLcyix2WHqS9lLJT3qCeIeWGQ9UDwr6f9VgoE/edit?usp=sharing Search slides]
** Linear Search
** Binary Search
* LS and BS assignments will be posted in Repl.it
== Friday (10/26/18) ==
* While loops quiz (on paper)
* Demo [[Monte Carlo Calculation of Pi]]
* Demo [[Taylor Series Pi and e]]
* Complete [[Looping Exercises]]
== Wednesday (10/24/18) ==
* Complete and demo [[Monte Carlo Calculation of Pi]] in Java
** You will need to use '''Math.random()''' to generate a random value between 0 and 1
* Complete and demo [[Taylor Series Pi and e]] in Java
* Complete all the sequences in [[Looping Exercises]]
== Monday (10/22/18) ==
* Netbeans in App Catalog?
* Demo completed Tic-Tac-Toe game
* Iteration - While Loops
** Basic while loops
**# Write a loop that prints 0 to 10 (exclusive)
**# Write a loop that prints 10 to 0 (inclusive)
**# Write a loop that sums all the numbers from 0 to 1000 (inclusive)
** While loops with strings
**# Write a loop that prints each character of a String s (you supply the String's value)
**# Write a loop that prints every other character of a String s
**# Write a loop that prints each character of a String s from end to beginning
** While loops with arrays
**# Write a loop that prints every element of an int[]
**# Write a loop that prints the square of every element in an int[]
**# Write a loop that sums all the numbers of an int[]
** Complete Test 6 and Test 7
== Thursday (10/18/18) ==
* Demo Tic-Tac-Toe - Part 2
* Tic-Tac-Toe - Part 3
*# Add conditionals to check if any 3 locations match (make sure that at least one of the locations is not equal to the empty string)
*# Display a text() message that indicates the winner
*# Call the noLoop() method to stop the game when there is a winner
*# Implement a mechanism/conditional to check if the game is a draw (tie)
* Demo a completed Tic-Tac-Toe game
* Challenge:
*# Implement an AI to play against you
*# Design and implement [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultimate_tic-tac-toe Ultimate/Super Tic-Tac-Toe]
== Tuesday (10/16/18) ==
* Read [https://www.processing.org/reference/text_.html text()] and test it out to draw some text on the screen
* Read [https://www.processing.org/reference/mouseReleased_.html mouseReleased()] and test out the code
* X-O clicker assignment
*# Modify the code of the mouseReleased() so that a text-based X or O is drawn every time the mouse button is released
* Work on and complete Tic-Tac-Toe - Part 2
*# Add a String variable to track the turn ("X" or "O")
*# Add a two-dimensional String array to your Tic-Tac-Toe at the top to track the moves (all elements start as "", but will be "X" or "O" later)
*# Implement the appropriate code in mouseReleased() to draw Xs and Os where the mouse button is released
*# Make sure that you also have conditionals to check whether or not the location that is clicked is still empty (check against 2D array)
*# Make sure you update the 2-D String array with the current player's move
*# Update the turn variable so that it switches (only with a successful move)
* Done with the above? Here are some challenges:
*# Implement a winner checking feature to stop the game and display who won
*# Implement an AI to play against you
*# Design and implement [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultimate_tic-tac-toe Ultimate/Super Tic-Tac-Toe]
== Friday (10/12/18) ==
* Activity 5 Questions?
* Test 5 Questions?
* mouseReleased()
* Tic-Tac-Toe w/ Arrays
*# Create a new Processing sketch
*# Copy over your TTT: Select-a-Square code
*# Add a two-dimensional String array to your Tic-Tac-Toe at the top
*# Implement the appropriate code in mouseReleased() to draw Xs and Os (do as much as you can)
== Tuesday (10/9/18) ==
* [https://drive.google.com/open?id=1L-tbBp51YuUoTWldXFBr6JGcyHF5sBy_flfPGiqlVAQ Java methods overview]
* Complete and demo Tic-Tac-Toe Select-a-Square
* Skim over eIMACS: Arrays chapter
* Mr. Bui's [https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Ayzvd1q-6RwZKplUtLHDCCLyO5XIR5kyeKUi8-htErY Arrays (Java) slides]
* Complete Activity 5
* Complete Test 5
== Thursday (10/4/18) ==
* Take the Strings + Conditionals Quiz in Canvas
* Demo your first Processing drawing (it should also have your initials in the bottom right-hand corner)
* Introduction to Methods
** Intro to Processing methods
** Method calls
** Method parameters & arguments
*** Parameters are the variables in the method's definition header
*** Arguments are the values used in the method call
* Tic-Tac-Toe Select-a-Square
*# Setup your screen size to be a large square (e.g. 600x600)
*# Within the draw() function, give the background a color()
*# Draw tic-tac-toe lines on your screen (make sure that the rows and columns are exactly 1/3 the size of the height and width)
*# Add conditional statements in the draw() function to detect which square you are in
*#* You'll need to access the mouse's current coordinates with '''mouseX''' and '''mouseY''' variables
*#* Draw a square of a different color inside the particular square that you are in
*#* The effect that you will generate will look like it is highlighting the current square where the mouse is
*# Challenge: Modify your code so that changing the screen size, will automatically be adjusted and accounted for by the rest of your code. Hint: use '''height''' and '''width''' variables
*# Challenge2: Modify your code so that it works without any conditionals. Hint: Use division and multiplication
== Tuesday (10/2/18) ==
* Questions on Activity 6: Airline meals?
* [https://processing.org/ Processing]
*# Download Processing
*# Drag-n-drop the program where you want to keep it
*# Check out the [https://www.processing.org/reference/ Processing documentation]
* My First Processing Drawing
*# Draw your initials in the bottom right-hand corner
*# Use Processing and method calls to draw your favorite emoji, logo, cartoon character, etc.
== Archives ==
* [[APCS - 1819 - September]]
* [[APCS - 1718]]
* [[APCS - 1516]]

Latest revision as of 08:28, 13 September 2023