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(Monday (4/22/19))
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* Friday, May 17th - 12pm - Wrestling Room
* Friday, May 17th - 12pm - Wrestling Room
* [http://washingtonlee.apsva.us/wp-content/uploads/sites/38/2019/03/AP-IB-Exam-May-2019-schedule-for-POSTERS-3-27-19.pdf Complete AP/IB Exam Calendar]
== Monday (4/22/19) ==
== Monday (4/22/19) ==

Revision as of 08:30, 22 April 2019


Monday (4/22/19)


  • Flash card circle
    1. Number a sheet of paper from 1 through 10
    2. You will have 35 seconds for each if-statement question
    3. Pass the card to your right
  • Review flash card answers
  • Topics review
    • APCS Java Subset
    • Make sure you read the notes!
    • Class-walk through of every testable language feature
  • 2016 Practice FRQ #3 - 22 mins total

Monday - Friday (4/15/19 - 4/19/19)

  • Spring Break

Thursday (4/11/19)


  • Flash card circle
    1. Number a sheet a paper from 1 through 13
    2. You will have a True/False flash card and you must answer it within 30 seconds. Make sure you write True/False in the appropriate number
    3. Pass the card to your right
  • Review True/False answers
  • 2016 Practice FRQ #2 - 22 mins total

Tuesday (4/9/19)




Friday (4/5/19)


  • Go over HW
  • Demo image processing assignments


Wednesday (4/3/19)


  • Demo Image Processing assignments


Friday (3/29/19)


  • Image Processing Assignment(s)
    1. Flip/mirror vertical
    2. Rotate image (90 degrees clockwise or counter-clockwise) -- optional extra credit
    3. Mosaic (no animation needed)
      1. Take an image, sample every (10th row, 10th col) pixel's color
      2. Draw a 10x10 square using the sampled pixel's color at ever 10th (x,y)
      3. You should display both the original image and its mosaic
    4. Pointilism Animation
      1. This will be an animation
      2. Within setup(), load an image, load its pixels, and turn off line strokes
      3. Within draw(), generate a random index number from 0 to image's pixel length (use random())
        • int rand = (int) random(0, img.pixels.length);
      4. Sample the color of the pixel from the random index and fill with the color
      5. Calculate the appropriate (x,y) from the random index (Hint: use modulus (%) for x and division (/) for y)
      6. Draw the circle at its appropriate (x,y) using a random diameter from (5, 15)

Wednesday (3/27/19)


  • Teen Tech Volunteer Opportunity @ Central Library today 3:30-5:30pm
    • Free pizza for volunteers
    • Looks great on resumes
    • Meet at Mr. Bui's room after school (or at Central Library)
  • FRQ #4 HW check
  • 2017 APCS FRQ check
  • Processing: Images & Pixels Tutorial
  • Processing Image Two-Dimensional Array practice
    1. Convert to black and white
    2. Flip/mirror horizontal
    3. Flip/mirror vertical
    4. Rotate image 90 degrees of a square image
    5. Rotate 90 degrees clockwise of a non-square image (no animation needed)
    6. Mosaic (no animation needed)
      1. Take an image, sample every (10th row, 10th col) pixel's color
      2. Draw a 10x10 square using the sampled pixel's color at ever 10th (x,y)
      3. You should display both the original image and its mosaic
    7. Pointilism Animation
      1. This will be an animation
      2. Within setup(), load an image, load its pixels, and turn off line strokes
      3. Within draw(), generate a random index number from 0 to image's pixel length (use random())
        • int rand = (int) random(0, img.pixels.length);
      4. Sample the color of the pixel from the random index and fill with the color
      5. Calculate the appropriate (x,y) from the random index (Hint: use modulus (%) for x and division (/) for y)
      6. Draw the circle at its appropriate (x,y) using a random diameter from (5, 15)


Monday (3/25/19)


  • Mr. Bui's son is sick again, so please work on the following:
  • Complete the 2017 APCS FRQ
    • AP CS Java Quick Reference (you may look at this while you answer the FRQs)
    • Do not spend more than 1 hr 30 minutes (avg 22.5 mins per question)
    • If you do not complete the 2017 FRQ in class, then it becomes your HW for Wednesday

Thursday (3/21/19)


  • FRQ #3 HW check
  • Grade FRQ #3
  • Discussion: How do you study for a comprehensive exam?
  • Two-Dimensional Arrays review
    • array[ROW][COL]
    • instantiation & creation
    • row and col bounds
    • traversal / iteration through
    • Tic-Tac-Toe example
    • Image processing example(s)


Tuesday (3/19/20)


  • Grade 2018 FRQ #2
  • Interfaces
    • Real-world interface examples (mouse, keyboard, num pad, calculator, head phones, etc)
    • interface and implements keywordS
    1. Interfaces do not have instance variables (you can have static final variables)
    2. Interfaces only contain method signatures (no method bodies or implementations)
    3. Classes can implement multiple interfaces
    4. Implementing an interface requires "implementing" the methods of the interface
  • Interface example walk-through


Friday (3/15/19)


  • Free-response question rubric & grading
  • Abstract classes review
  • Complete Activity 24: Transactions


Wednesday (3/13/19)


  • Hand-written free-response question (22 minutes)
    1. Read through all their given code and summary
    2. Every variable and method...
      1. What is the purpose of that variable or method?
      2. What are the input parameters of the method?
      3. What is returned by the method?


  • Free-response question rubric & grading

Monday (3/11/19)

  • English 11 Writing SOL - no class

Thursday (3/7/19)


  • Confirm that you have completed the Albert.io Inheritance & Polymorphism assignment
    • Questions?
  • Method overriding review & example
  • Complete eIMACS: Lab 4: Inventory Tracking
  • static keyword (for methods or for variables)
    • binds the method or variable to the class NAME as opposed to the object instance
    • static method example
    • static variable example
  • final keyword
    • makes the variable unchangeable
    • final variable example
  • abstract keyword
    • Abstract classes walk-through (Animal->Mammal, Fish, Bird)
    • Object instances of abstract classes are *not* allowed
    • Derived sub-classes of abstract classes must implement abstract methods (unless the sub-class is also abstract)

Tuesday (3/5/19)

