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== Friday - Thursday (1/20/12 - 1/26/12) ==
* Complete STEM Challenge project by Tuesday, January 31st
* You will be posting it on your on-line portfolio (like your other games).  Include the following:
** All the information from your game proposal/design document (you can copy and paste this)
** Link to the playable game uploaded to the Scratch website
** Screencast of you playing and demoing the game
* We will then submit it to the contest
== Tuesday - Thursday (1/17/12 - 1/19/12) ==
* Answer the following questions:
*# List 3 examples of things that are protected by copyright
*# What rights does the copyright holder have over his/her intellectual property?
*# List 3 specific ways that people infringe on copyright
* Watch [http://vimeo.com/31100268 PROTECT IP / SOPA Breaks The Internet]
* Check out [http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/technology/2012/01/sopa-blackout-who-is-joining-the-protest.html Sites Joining the SOPA-PIPA Blackout]
* Read [http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/19/technology/web-protests-piracy-bill-and-2-key-senators-change-course.html?_r=1&pagewanted=all In Fight Over Piracy Bills, New Economy Rises Against Old]
* Alternatives? [http://keepthewebopen.com/ OPEN Act: Online Protection & ENforcement of Digital Trade Act]
* Intellectual Property
* 2 more weeks to complete the STEM Challenge game
* Complete by the end of January and submit to contest
== Monday - Friday (1/9/12 - 1/13/12) ==
* Central Library volunteering opportunity
** Saturday, January 21, from 10:30AM-12PM
** Help people learn how to use download ebooks and use e-readers
* Make sure you've turned in your STEM Challenge design
* Begin working on your STEM Challenge game
* Be sure to read through the [http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1483301/STEMChallenge/2012/STEMChallenge2012.HighSchoolRules.pdf STEM Challenge Rules]
== Tuesday - Friday (1/3/12 - 1/6/12) ==
* Turn in Parental evaluations for [[Digital Portfolio Website]]
* 2nd Quarter Exams start next week
* [http://stemchallenge.org/ STEM Challenge] - Game Design Competition
*# Work on a game design proposal/description today (250-500 words).  Should include the following:
*#* Name(s) of you and your partner (partner optional)
*#* Title of the game
*#* 1 paragraph description of the plot/storyline
*#* Game-play description
*#* Controls
*#* Objective(s) of the game
*#* Description of how difficulty increases to challenge player
*#* Include any hand-drawn sketches/illustrations of background, players, sprites, items, etc.
*# May work in pairs, but has to show substantial work of 2 people.  You may work with a classmate in another class
*# Turn it in by the end of the week
== Friday (12/23/11) - Friday (12/30/11) ==
* Winter Break
== Thursday (12/22/11) ==
* [[Digital Portfolio Website]] Evaluations
** Choose and evaluate 5 other students' portfolios: [[CS Student Pages]]
** Complete and turn in the evaluation sheet by the end of class
* Complete Parental evaluations over winter break and bring back to class
== Tuesday - Wednesday (12/13/11 - 12/21/11) ==
* [[Digital Portfolio Website]]
* Complete [[Digital Portfolio Website]] by Wednesday (12/21/11)
** We will be evaluating each others' sites in class on Thursday!
== Friday - Monday (12/9/11 - 12/12/11) ==
* [http://sites.google.com Google Sites]
*# Login with your google account or create one if you do not already have one
*# Create your first website
*# Be sure to include the following information
*#* Name (only first if you want to keep privacy)
*#* School
*#* Year in school
*#* Special Interests
*# We will be putting our digital portfolios on this website, so you can spend time now adding/removing widgets and playing with Google Sites
*# [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dF9neDYzdEFTTVpyQ09QMDhZS1J6SFE6MQ Submit your website's address]
* Complete and demo [[Tron Light Cycles game]]
== Wednesday - Thursday (12/7/11 - 12/8/11) ==
* Complete and demo [[Tron Light Cycles game]]
* Screencasting with Jing
* Work on the [http://stemchallenge.org/ STEM Challenge - Game Design Competition]
== Thursday - Tuesday (12/1/11 - 12/6/11) ==
* Complete and Demo your [[Tron Light Cycles game]]
* Work on the [http://stemchallenge.org/ STEM Challenge - Game Design Competition].  You can work on either of the following:
** Creating a game design document
** Creating the game in Scratch
* Games involving other subjects may be used for assignments in other classes as well
** Animating science concepts
** Animating math concepts
** Animating a book that you are reading in English
** Animating an event in history for social students
** etc.
== Monday - Wednesday (11/28/11 - 11/30/11) ==
* [http://stemchallenge.org/ STEM Challenge - Game Design Competition]
** [http://www.stemchallenge.org/quickregister/Default.aspx?Class=82 Sign up here!]
* Missing Dodge demos
* Missing Tron requirements
* Complete and Demo your [[Tron Light Cycles game]]
== Wednesday - Friday (11/23/11 - 11/25/11) ==
* Thanksgiving Break
== Monday - Tuesday (11/21/11 - 11/22/11) ==
* Complete and Demo your [[Tron Light Cycles game]]
== Monday - Friday  (11/14/11 - 11/18/11) ==
* Complete and demo [[Dodge game]]
* Begin designing [http://www.thepcmanwebsite.com/media/flash_tron/flash_tron.shtml Tron Light Cycles Game]
** With a partner, describe all the rules and components of the game (just like Mr. Bui does it)
** Be sure to completely describe everything:
*** Background
*** Sound
*** Players
*** What happens during game play (drawing/pen stuff)
*** How does somebody lose?
** Print out and turn in your design (be sure to put both your names on it)
* From this list, begin making the game
== Wednesday - Thursday (11/9/11 - 11/10/11) ==
* Return 1st Quarter Exams
* [[Dodge game]]
== Monday (11/7/11) ==
* Finish Rise of the Video Game: Part 1
* Return 1st Quarter Exams
* [[Dodge game]]
== Thursday - Friday (11/3/11 - 11/4/11) ==
* 1st Quarter Exams and makeups
* Demo [[Whac-A-Mole game]] (last grade of the quarter)
* Try naming as many video game systems and who made them chronologically
* Rise of the Video Game: Part 1
== Tuesday - Thursday (11/1/11 - 11/3/11) ==
* 1st Quarter Exams and makeups
* Demo [[Whac-A-Mole game]] (last grade of the quarter)
== Archives ==
== Archives ==
* [[CS1 - 1112 - October]]
* CS1 - 1819 (Poland) - APS Canvas
* [[CS1 - 1112 - September]]
* CS1 - 1718 (Poland) - APS Canvas
* CS1 - 1617 (Poland) - Google Classroom
** [https://docs.google.com/a/apsva.us/document/d/1VnXYBgVIABKBGVYNuoQQ6E_6kUzcNah2TFlM5QgTOW0/edit?usp=sharing 2017 Syllabus]
* [https://sites.google.com/a/apsva.us/ocopcompsci/ CS1 - 1516 (MacLeod)]
* [[CS1 - 1415]]
* [[CS1 - 1314]]
* [[CS1 - 1213]]
* [[CS1 - 1112]]
* [[CS1 - 1011]]
* [[CS1 - 0910]]
* [[CS1 - 0809]]
* [http://www.paulbui.net/wl0708/cs1 CS1 - 0708]
* [http://www.paulbui.net/wl0607/cs1/schedule.html CS1 - 0607]

Latest revision as of 11:04, 13 November 2018
